As we have already established, God had given Israel 70
weeks of 49 years each from the year of the exodus which is 1437 B.C so that
they could be ready for Jesus to come the second time. Since God knows the end
from the beginning, He knew the Church would not be ready by 1993 when the 70
weeks expired.
In exercise of His patience and longsuffering, God prepared
a postponement package even before He created the world. He did not have to
wait until 1993. The purpose of this letter is to inform all the inhabitants of
this world that the day of the second coming will be on 1.1.2022. I therefore
need your patience and prayers as I take you through various reasons why God
postponed the second coming from 1993 to 2022. I want to remind everyone at this point in time again that the three
annual festivals that God gave Israel at Mt Sinai represent and symbolize the
salvation journey that Jesus has to undertake from the beginning of the
wonderful Plan of Salvation to the end. All the events which take place
during the three annual festivals symbolize or represent various steps or
hurdles that Jesus has to clear before we are finally saved at the second
The history of salvation shows that Jesus has been
fulfilling the requirements of those festivals in their given chronological
order in a manner that has surprised students of Bible prophecy. The most
striking observation we make out of the history, life and death of Jesus is
that Jesus has been fulfilling everything in the Law according to the dates given
for the celebration of symbolic services. This automatically means that for us
to be able to identify the date of the second coming, all we need to do is to
look at the date of the festival which symbolizes the second coming. For
reasons that I have provided elsewhere in this letter, the Festival of
Tabernacles is the one which symbolizes or represents the events around the
second coming. Therefore the dates which
the Festival of the Tabernacles is supposed to be celebrated holds the key to
the real date of the second coming.
The following facts confirm the integrity, the originality,
the genuineness, the truthfulness and the authenticity of the date 1.1.2022.
In determining or in looking for the date of the
second coming, we must be guided by how God has behaved in the past under
similar circumstances like the 1993 disappointment and delay. There are many
instances in the past when the Church failed to meet God’s deadline or
probation and we can learn a lot by looking at what God did during such times. From
the Bible, we learn that whenever Israel failed to meet God’s deadline within a
calendar of 49 years, He would normally exercise His grace, patience and
longsuffering and give them an extension of the deadline but His patience did
not extend past the 3rd week.
It is always in the middle of the next calendar which is the 4th
week of years that God always intervenes to stamp His authority and ensure His “delayed”
will is finally done or accomplished.
This means that if you enter into an
agreement/Covenant with God which is supposed to materialize or to be
consummated within a week and you don’t beat the deadline by the seventh day,
then God will exercise His grace and extend His deadline to demand
accountability after the 10th day. His patience will run out after
the 10th day. This is how ‘the middle of the week’ comes in in
prophecy. When we apply this principle in the circumstances surrounding the
disappointment of 1993, we see that since another week of 49 years or Jubilee
calendar started in 1994 and is to end in 2042, the week which is in the middle
is the period between 2015 and 2021. This is the time that God is going to
intervene and stamp His authority. This is why this period is called the
Prophetic Day of the Lord. It is the time of the Great Tribulation.
It is quite logical to conclude that after the disappointment of 1993,
God could not give us another entire period of 49 years because that would be
too much for a delay. A delay can only logically be a portion of the 49 years
Calendar but not the entire period.
It is also most unlikely that we shall
break the record of 40 years that Israel spent in the wilderness of Mt Sinai.
It should be expected that the end-time Church will be more enlightened that
Israel was in 1437 B.C and therefore we will take less than 40 years in our
As I have indicated in my other book, the day of
the second coming will have to be on a Saturday Sabbath. The weekly Sabbath day
symbolizes the ‘rest’ that we shall get after the ravages of the 6000 years of
sin. God would be breaking His own law if He chose to come in a working day
instead of a Sabbath. If we take all the years from 1994 to 2042, we see that
2021 is the only year which meets and accommodates this requirement among many
The second coming must also take place in a
Sabbatical year otherwise called a Saturday year. The sabbatical year was set
apart by God as Holy to symbolize the freedom that the saints will receive when
Jesus returns again. Therefore the day of the second coming must be on a weekly
Saturday Sabbath and in a Sabbatical year as well. Out of all the years between
1994 and 2042, only the year 2021 meets and accommodates these requirements
perfectly well. All these facts are kept safely hidden in the symbolism of the
sanctuary events and sacrifices. With
such facts, it is easy to use elimination method to mathematically pin down and
identify the date of the second coming.
According to Daniel 12:12-13, there will be a
final 1335-day countdown leading to the day of the second coming. This means
that the 1336th day will be the day of the 2nd coming. If
the 1336th day must be on a Saturday Sabbath as we have seen above,
it therefore means that the 1335th day must be on a Friday. The year
2021 stands above every other year between 1994 and 2042 in meeting the
requirement of this particular fact. No other year can accommodate this
equilibrium of perfectly accommodating the 1335 prophetic timelines of Daniel
For reasons that I have given in my book on the
144,000 servants of God, the day when the Feast of Atonement is supposed to be
celebrated is the day that God will close the door of mercy for this world and
that day must be on a Saturday Sabbath. There is no other year between 1994 and
2042 which can accommodate this specific requirement apart from the year 2021
because October 16th 2021 will be on a Saturday when the door of
mercy will forever be closed.
The year of the second coming must also
accommodate other prophetic timelines like that of the 144,000 Servants of God.
As I have explained elsewhere in detail, since they are the First Fruits, the
144000 will start their work on a day of celebrating the Feast of the First
Fruits and finish it on a day of the Feast of Atonement when probation will
finally close down. They will start their work on Sunday, 6th May
2018 when the feast of First-Fruits is celebrated and finish it on a Saturday 16th
October 2021 on a day when the Feast of Atonement is celebrated. The distance
between these two Feast days/dates must be 1260 days since that is the time God
determined for the work of the 144000 to take. It is not every Sabbatical year from
1994 to 2042 which can accommodate this equilibrium of 1260 between the two
feasts days except the year 2021 considering all other factors.
There is also the issue of the final 1335 days
which must fit in very well. In this case we find that from the day the 144000
are sent out or commissioned to the last day there will be remaining only 1335
days to the end according to Daniel 12:12. Being the end-time First-Fruits
(Revelation 14:4), the 144000 will be sent out on a day of celebrating the
feast of first fruits which will be exactly on Sunday , the 6th day
of May 2018.1335 later brings us down to the 31st day of December 2021.
There is also the issue of the 2300 days found
in Daniel 8:14. These are the number of days that God will take to rededicate
or restore the sanctuary to its original status. Judgment proper will start on
the day dedicated to the blowing of trumpets warning people of judgment in
2015. The day that the Feast of Trumpet will be celebrated will be on Sunday,
the 13th day of September 2015. This is the day the countdown of
2300 days will begin and will end exactly on the 31st day of December 2021
which is the last day of the history of this world. It is only the year 2021
which can accommodate this arrangement and no other.
The fact that the work of Judgment proper will begin on a Sunday is very
crucial because God can only begin such a job on a Sunday if the Jubilee calendar
is anything to go by. It is not all the years which can fit or accommodate this
equilibrium of 2300 days except the year 2021.
(10) There are many other peripheral reasons which justify the
date of 1.1.2022. Some of the reasons do not appear to carry any weight until
you scratch below the service. One remarkable character of God is that He likes
‘’getting and surprising man in his own
tracks’’ so that He can get him red-handed. Therefore God likes striking
during mankind’s high days and important moments in order to draw maximum
attention since according to God, there are no coincidences and accidents. For
instance, according to God’s own design, He knows that when He does something
to attract or draw your attention in any day, it will not have the same impact
if He does it during your birthday. That fact alone will awaken your sixth
sense leaving you wondering why it should happen at such a time. The devil will
be allowed to stage a counterfeit second coming on the first day of Israel’s
annual calendar when Israel will be celebrating their new year. According to
their wrong interpretation of the prophecies, Israel will be expecting the
coming of their ‘fake’ messiah on that day according to how Satan’s counterfeit
Prophecy. Again God has planned to come the second time on the first day of
January 2022 which is very important for the entire world according to the Gregorian
calendar which we use. The first day of the year is always important to
everybody. This is the time many people make what we call ”New year
resolutions” These should not be dismissed as mere coincidences with no bearing
at all. The beginning of any year serves a lot of social, economic and
political purposes in the life of mankind. There is no other year from 1994 to
2042 which can accommodate the second coming to be on 1st January
apart from the year 2022. Any student of Bible Prophecy cannot afford to ignore
such clues.
(11) The Prophetic Day of the
Lord between 2015 and 2021 is also justified by fact that it is very rare for
any Sunday year to have its New Moon Day falling on the same day with the day
of Spring Equinox of 20th March. What this means is that at that
time the Sun, the Moon and the Stars assume a rare realignment from the earth’s
perspective. As we all know, any signs on the Sun, Moon or the Stars
indicate the arrival or the beginning of some event in the Plan of Salvation.
In the past, whenever this rare phenomenon happened, there was something great
happening in Israel either positive or negative. The best example is the year
Israel left Egypt which is 1437 B.C.
Another rare coincidence which shows the year 2015 to be very special is
the fact that all those who observe feast days and other appointed times of the
Lord will have no difference or discrepancy in their reckoning of feast days in
2015. This is because New Moon day of
the first month will fall on the same day with the Spring Equinox. As you must
have noticed, all those who keep the feasts nowadays do not have the same
formula of reckoning time thanks to the confusion created by the devil. As a
result, we have the shame of so many people observing feasts at different times
yet they read the same Bible. There are people who will read the Bible and
understand Sunday to be the seventh day Sabbath, others will read the same
Bible and interpret it to be Saturday. The same mistake happens when reckoning
other feasts. There are Christian ministries which have been formed on the
basis of the formula of reckoning time.
Many people look at the Nation of Israel thinking that because of their
past association with God they must be have the correct formula of reckoning
time. The truth of the matter is that I am yet to come across any group or
Church which keeps the feasts as recommended by the Bible 100%. Israel as a
Nation is the most confused and their formula is erroneous and most confusing. It is actually antagonistic against God’s
Calendar. The deception by the devil is so tricky that the wrong formula used
by Israel and any other group sometimes produces perfect results in order to
totally deceive. Kindly get my book on “The Prophecy In The Feasts” and get
full details.
(12) Another peripheral reason
which justifies the year 2021 as the year of Jubilee is the fact that the two
major annual festivals namely the Passover and the Tabernacles all start on 15th
and end on 21st in their respective months. Therefore our argument
that the Prophetic Day of the Lord will start in 2015 and end in 2021 is made
more manifest by such strange indicators, coincidences, accidents and manifestations.
Such rare and supernatural coincidences and accidents should not be written
off. You write them off at your own peril. Therefore the striking similarities
of numbers 15 and 21 should not be ignored by any student of Bible prophecy.
Such funny coincidences serve as flowers to attract us so that we can be
triggered into more research on the time they point out to us.
(13) It is also worth noting that since the
beginning of the final week of 49 years in 1945, seventy years of God’s mercy
and grace extends to the year 2015 which is the beginning of the final week of
seven years which is otherwise called the Prophetic Day of the Lord. This is a
fact we cannot ignore at all. Do not forget seventy years is 49+21 which is one
full calendar plus three weeks of grace and mercy.
(14) The year 2015 is also 49
years from 1966 when the church failed to meet God’s expectations. Kindly note
that when God gave this Prophecy of 70 weeks, He expected that Jesus would be
received and installed as king by Israel instead of being killed. There are
details which cannot come out well today because things never went according to
God’s original plan. What we have now is God’s wonderful Plan B.
(15) In 2018, Israel will also
as a Nation be celebrating 70 years since their rebirth in 1948. 2018 is the
year that God will close down the door of mercy for the Church. God’s anger for
the Church will be at its worst yet Israel will be making celebrations. What a
contrast? It is in 2018 that God will send the promised outpouring of the Holy
Spirit otherwise called the latter rain. This will happen on the day when God
will close the door of mercy for the Church. This will be exactly on Sunday,
the 24th June 2018 when the saints will be celebrating the Festival
of Pentecost.
(16) When the Church could not
meet God’s expectations in 1993, the following week of 7 years could not serve
as a Sabbatical/Saturday week but could only serve as a Friday week to prepare
afresh for the delay and disappointment of 1993. Therefore the week of 7 years
between 1994—2000 was reckoned as a Friday week of preparation. This
automatically means that the week between 2001 and 2007 was reckoned as a
Sabbatical and it was possible for Christ to come in 2007. Since Jesus did not
come in 2007, it follows that the next week of 7 years which began in 2008—2014
can only be used in preparations as a Friday week in order to give room for the
Sabbatical week to run between 2015—2021. Therefore we are quite in order to
look at the period between 2015 and 2021 as the final Golden Sabbatical or
Saturday week of seven years.
What a load of horse shit man, go see a doctor you are mad!