The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Satan's Great Deception - The Rapture

                                SATAN’S GREAT DECEPTION-THE RAPTURE
The Majority of Christians believe in the “strange” doctrine of the rapture. The main argument or foundation behind this false doctrine is the fact that God will rescue or ‘rapture’ His church from the world before the Prophetic Day of the Lord so that they do not suffer from God’s acts of judgment during the final seven years of the history of the world.
This doctrine is informed and inspired by the erroneous perception that there is no way God will allow His people to suffer or to be around when the fires of persecution and God’s judgments are boiling and bumbling all over the earth.
I must declare from the onset that the devil is the author of the false doctrine of the rapture and most of us have been trapped into this abominable snare and confusion. The following scriptures from the Bible clearly show that the saints will be available during the time of the Great Tribulation of seven years.  God will protect them but will allow some of them to go through hard times of persecution in order to glorify His own name.
1)       Matthew Chapter 10 shows that God does not always automatically protect His people from persecution. Rather, He glorifies himself by saving them like He did to Daniel or to Job.

2)      Revelation 6:9 clearly states that in the end- time setting, there will be people who will be killed because of the Word of God.

3)      Revelation 9:4 also shows that during the Great Tribulation, there will be God’s people here on earth that will be having the Seal of God.
4)      Revelation 11:7 shows that God’s two witnesses (144000 servants) will be killed after finishing their work. They will not be protected but they will later glorify God by resurrecting and ascending as First-Fruits.

5)      Revelation 13:7 says the devil will actually have the power to defeat the saints. Verse 10 actually calls upon the saints to be patient during the persecution.
The devil has managed to promote the lie of the rapture doctrine through misrepresentation of several facts. While Christ teaches that being persecuted even to the point of death for His Name is a privilege, the devil teaches the opposite. As Paul says, we have been privileged not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for Him. Christian persecution should not be viewed and taken negatively but positively. This does not mean that the saints should court and invite persecution but when it comes, we should deal with it patiently. It is for this reason that God says that He does not allow us into a situation for which He cannot provide sufficient grace to withstand. God will not stop the fires of persecution. Rather, He will see us through the fires. God is called a Savior not because He shields us away from problems but because He saves us out of them. We must be victims of Satan’s chains of captivity for us to deserve a Savior in the first place. We are living in an era of sin before we go to the promised land.  Jesus prayed for His disciples not to be separated from sin but to get the power to overcome.
If you have been a victim of this false doctrine of the rapture, please obtain all my books and you will learn how Jesus will come and how the saints will go to heaven and their eternal destiny. In a nutshell, God the father plus Jesus our High Priest and all the inhabitants of heaven will come for those who have been faithful to the Word of God since the fall of Adam. Those saints who will be found alive will be translated so that they assume the kind of body that Jesus has in a process which we call glorification. Those saints who will be found to have died will be resurrected and glorified and together with the glorified living saints they will be caught up in the air (clouds) because the clouds carrying the heavenly host will not touch the earth.
God will then lead everybody back to heaven where they will stay for 1000 years before the whole heavenly group comes back a third time. For reasons I have given elsewhere in this long letter, the third coming will take place in the year 3022. In the year 3022, all the dead sinners will be resurrected. Satan will also be released and will emerge as the undisputed leader of the resurrected world for a period of seven years. The year 3022 will be a Sunday year and Jesus will again use seven years to prepare the world for the final reading of His Final Judgment during the Saturday /Sabbatical year of 3028. In 3028 all the resurrected sinners will be annihilated, all sin and all demons will be destroyed and God will recreate this world afresh.
Our world will have to be recreated to accommodate the presence of God and His entire dwelling place including all the inhabitants of heaven. It is such a privilege to hear that God will live among us. The new earth will not need the Sun, the Moon or the Stars thanks to the presence of God. It is gratifying to note that God has already chosen to uplift us to a higher level than Adam occupied before the fall. In Eden, God would visit Adam but was not living there, but in the earth made new, God will always live among us. Actually the 144000 will be living right inside God’s Temple which will serve as “The White House” of new world.
Our world will serve as the headquarters of the entire universe. All of us will serve as ministers in the New Government of Righteousness whose President will be Jesus. This Holy Government will be in charge of all the existing worlds because there are many other existing un-fallen or sinless worlds which are unknown to us at the moment. As a result of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, we are now reckoned as real Sons of God just like Jesus. In fact we are heirs together with Him. All that God has will be ours including the unknown planets. We will rule them as Kings because that is what we are. Our value is that of Jesus before God since we were bought at His price. The Law quoted ‘Jesus’ as the cost of our salvation and He did not disappoint. Friends, Jesus has uplifted us to a much higher position than even the angels. In Adam we were reckoned as created beings but in Jesus were have been adopted as Sons of God and that is what we really are. What a glorious privilege? Who would want to reject such a status and miss such a wonderful place? The purpose of this letter is to encourage all of us to be ready for the Day of the Lord so that we are not found wanting when the appointed time comes.
I look forward to the dawn of that glorious morning of 1.1.2022 when I shall with listless Joy receive the goal of my faith which is the salvation of my soul. Please kindly join me as I travel this lonely and blood-stained path of self denial as we spread The 2022 Elijah Message to the entire world. We are not alone!       

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