The life, death,
resurrection, ascension and the anointment of Jesus as our High Priest
confirmed the date of 1.1.2022 more than anything else in the scriptures. In fact,Jesus was ready to announce the day
and year of jubilee which is 1.1.2022 but we never allowed Him to live long
enough to make that wonderful declaration.
Now since Jesus was rejected, He postponed the announcement until the
coming of Prophet Elijah in the last days. In fact the first coming of Jesus
set the stage for the 2022 Prophecy to materialize.
From the Mosaic sanctuary system, we learn that in order for
the Plan of Salvation to be successfully concluded, Jesus must accomplish three
major issues or functions in His capacity as the Author and Finisher of our
faith. These three major issues or factors are symbolized by the three annual
festivals which the Church is supposed to assemble and celebrate as demanded
and directed in the Law of Moses. The anti-types of the three festivals are
supposed to be celebrated and fulfilled by Jesus in their given chronology
order. The three annual festivals follow each other in a logical sequence and
are strategically set across God’s annual religious calendar. God’s annual
religious calendar is a seven month affair which symbolizes the entire lifespan
of the Plan of Salvation.
The first festival is celebrated from the evening of the 14th
day of the first month to the 21st day of the same first month. It
is a 7-day festival. It is called the Passover Festival. The festival
symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus as the Lamb of God (Leviticus 23:5).
50 days from the Passover Festival, the one-day Festival of Pentecost is always
celebrated. Pentecost is designed to always fall on a Sunday. This festival
symbolizes a new beginning for the Church (Leviticus 23:16). The third and
final one is the Festival of Tabernacles which is celebrated from the 1st
to the 21st day of the final 7th month but with a few
breaks. The final seven days from the 15th to the 21st
constitute the 7-day feast. In God’s
annual religious calendar, this festival symbolizes all the prophetic events which
will happen around the second coming of Jesus (Leviticus 23:23-36).
The purpose of Jesus
first coming was to fulfill the law as demanded and symbolized by the Passover
Festival as well as the Festival of Pentecost. A closer look at how Jesus
fulfilled these festivals of Passover and Pentecost will give us an idea as to
how He will fulfill and accomplish the only remaining Festival of Tabernacles
(Mathew 5:17).
1. The
Mosaic Law demanded that the Passover Lamb be identified and set apart on the
10th day of the first month (Exodus 12:3). It was to be taken care
of until the evening of the 14th day when it was supposed to be
slaughtered (Exodus 12:6). Jesus fulfilled this section of the Passover
festival when on the 10th day of the first month of the year 30 A.D,
He rode on a donkey as prophesied and He was declared to be the king of Israel
by all and sundry (Mark 11:1-8). This 10th day fell on what is
commonly known as Palm Sunday. If Israel had accepted Jesus as the Son of God,
they would have installed Him as king four days from Palm Sunday. On Palm
Sunday, He was only being set apart. As
you can remember, Jesus cried during that occasion since He knew He would not
only be rejected but killed by the very people who were praising Him on that
Palm Sunday. He knew how the house of Israel would be left desolate without
Him, He knew all the celebrations He was getting were false and a counterfeit.
We can therefore clearly see that in this case, Jesus fulfilled the law not only as to the event but as to the time as
suggested in the Mosaic symbolic services.
When the 14th day of the month came
four days after Palm Sunday on Thursday evening, Jesus assembled His disciples
to celebrate His last Passover while here on earth in fulfillment of the
demands of the Passover Festival (Luke 22:7). This was in accordance with the
Mosaic Law which demanded that the Passover lamb must be slaughtered on the
evening of the 14th day and eaten overnight since no one was
supposed to sleep that night (Exodus 12:6-8,42). It was and it still a
mandatory vigil night which has been established by a divine decree and
appointment but no slaughtering is allowed in our new dispensation. The 14th
day was on a Thursday but the entire nation of Israel was expecting to
celebrate their Passover the following day on Friday (John 18:28). Have you
ever asked yourselves why Jesus celebrated the Passover on Thursday when the
entire Jewish community believed Friday was the correct day according to the
Mosaic Law? I kindly invite you to
obtain the relevant book that I have authored on the matter and get more
details but in a nutshell, Israel had long abandoned the correct method of
reading the moon in order to determine the correct feast days. The result was
that they were always wrong by one or two days in their reckoning of time.
However Jesus could never be wrong. It is sad that only 13 people celebrated
the Passover in accordance with the timelines suggested by the law. This is not
surprising considering that only 8 people got saved during Noah’s time out of a
world population of about 3 billion at that time.
We do find that in this case Jesus
also fulfilled the demands of the Passover law not only as to the event but as
to the time as well. He obeyed and followed the timelines given in the symbolic
Law of Moses in fulfilling that law.
3. Friday
the 15th day of the first month was a day when according to the
Mosaic law, Israel was supposed to dedicate the day to the eating of unleavened bread which
symbolizes Jesus as the bread of life from heaven(Leviticus 23:8). Jesus fulfilled the demands of this day of
the Feast of Unleavened Bread within the Passover Festival by offering Himself
on the cross as the sinless bread of life from heaven on that day. We can also observe that Jesus fulfilled
the demand of this law not only as to the event but as to the time as well.
On Sunday the 17th day of the month
according to God’s calendar was the day during the Passover Festival which was
dedicated to the issue of presenting the First Fruits (Leviticus 23:11). It is
the day during which the Feast of the First Fruits was celebrated. Jesus’
resurrection on Sunday morning was in fulfillment of the law of the Feast of
the First Fruits since Jesus is the First Fruits of the redeemed as the second
Adam (1 Corinthians 15:20). In fact when Jesus was saying that He would
resurrect in three days’ time, He had simply done some mathematics since He
knew He would be killed during the Passover Festival in the day dedicated to
the eating of Unleavened Bread and resurrect on the day dedicated for the
presentation of First Fruits. So far we have discovered that in all His work of
fulfilling the demands and requirements of the Plan of Salvation, Jesus is always
guided by the already established Mosaic Law in as far as the timelines are
concerned. He acts strictly within the given timelines with 100% perfection. He
follows God’s calendar as instructed in the Mosaic Law.
Exactly 50 days from the Sunday of resurrection,
Jesus was anointed by God in heaven as our High Priest in a great ceremony
attended by all the inhabitants of heaven (Acts 2:1). Immediately after He was
anointed, He also anointed His fellow earthly priests by sending His Church the
promised Holy Spirit. This shows that even God in heaven follows His own Mosaic
laws strictly because this happened on a day that for hundreds of years Israel
had traditionally celebrated the Festival of Pentecost as instructed in the
Mosaic Law (Leviticus 23:16).
Therefore by sending the promised
Holy Spirit to give His new Church a new beginning, Jesus fulfilled the requirements and demands of the Festival of
Pentecost not only as to the event but as to the time as well.
Now the only festival whose demands and
requirements Jesus is yet to fulfill is the third and final Festival of the
Tabernacles which will conclude and finalize the Plan of Salvation. We are all
looking forward to the time when Jesus will come to fulfill the original or
real (anti-type) Festival of Tabernacles by taking us to the heavenly city.
Since Jesus is the same yesterday,
today and tomorrow and since everything written is for our admonition (1
Corinthians 10:11) and also knowing that what has been will be again
(Ecclesiastes 1:9), we should expect Jesus to use the same procedure and methodology
that He used in fulfilling the first two festivals to fulfill the only
remaining one of Tabernacles.
We therefore have a lot to learn from the life of Jesus here
on earth in order for us to correctly understand how He will deal with us in
the future. He will definitely fulfill all future events in the same manner
that He has fulfilled all past events.
It therefore goes
without saying that Jesus will soon fulfill the requirements or the demands of
the Festival of Tabernacles not only as to the event but as to the time as
well. This automatically means that the second coming will happen during the
dates given in the Mosaic Law for the celebration and observance of the
symbolic Festival of the Tabernacles. This is how we end up with the date of 1/1/2022.
I am sure you are now beginning to see where these dates are coming from. In
this day and era of The 2022 enlightenment, the saints should now be able to date every end time prophetic event
using this golden and wonderful formula.
These dates as well as many other heavenly secrets are hidden
in the symbolism of the sanctuary services. God’s ways are in the sanctuary. God chose to use such complicated
symbolism to communicate His secrets in order to keep away sinners from
understanding. It is for the above
reasons that I will repeatedly say that the life, ministry, death,
resurrection, ascension and anointment of Jesus as our High Priest helps us to
confirm the date of 1/1/2022 more than anything else.
Due to lack of space I cannot provide all the available
finer details to show how Jesus’ first coming confirmed all the dates written
in this letter. I therefore once again kindly request you to obtain all the
books that I have authored so that this wonderful 2022 Prophecy can sink deep in our systems in a perfect manner. The
2022 Elijah Message should be the only song of the redeemed in these last days.
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