It is not normal for anyone- myself included- to just wake
up one day and claim to have known the dates of the second coming from their
study of end-time Bible prophecies. So
be very calm as you listen to me explain how the day of the second coming will
be on 1.1.2022. It also surprises me that know it but I have a lot of faith
in the Word of God and I have to bow down to its majesty.
Sometimes I surprise people when I share the good news of
the date of the second coming and some get seriously alarmed and I wonder why
because all over from the pulpits, we hear that “Christ can come anytime even today!”
In fact the message in all the Churches is that we should be ready because
Jesus can come even today. I then ask myself, who is an alarmist, the one who
claims that Jesus can come this evening or the one who claims that He will come
in nine years time from now?
I was born in a humble Kenyan Adventist family and just like
most of us Christians, I grew up as a desperate victim of one of Satan’s
greatest deceptions that Jesus will come like a thief and that no one can ever
know the date and year of His coming. This was until God Himself directed me to
read other related scriptures which say “But you brothers are not in darkness
that this day should find you like a thief” (1Thes 5:4). Revelation 3:3 again says “If you do not WAKE
UP I will come to you like a thief”.
The above quoted scriptures clearly show that Jesus will only come like a thief to the
sinners only but the saints will know the date and year of the second coming well
in advance. Today I am ready to climb to the topmost rooftops and mountain
peaks and courageously look at the entire world straight in the face and
proudly declare that the history of the world as we know it will expire and
close down on the evening of Friday, the 31st day of December 2021. Jesus will then come the following day on
Saturday, 1.1.2022.
God is going to use The
2022 Elijah Message to bring about the much-awaited end-time spiritual
revival and reformation in His Church. In His own divine appointment, God
designed that it is the promised Elijah the Prophet whom He will send to
prepare the Church for the second coming the same way He sent John the Baptist
to prepare the Church for His first coming. It is Elijah the Prophet who was
appointed from the very beginning to unseal all the sealed end-time prophecies
and even announce the year of Jubilee which is the year of the second coming. Any message that prepares the Church for
the second coming by announcing the year of Jubilee falls under the banner of
the entire Elijah Message. The entire message can therefore be correctly
identified as “The 2022 Elijah Message or Prophecy” (Malachi 3:1-5, 4:4-6,
Mathew 17:11).
Revelation Chapter 10 depicts the ceremony during which
Elijah the Prophet is anointed not by the earthily Church but by heaven
itself. After his anointment, we see
that Elijah is given a special mandate to “Prophesy
Again” to the entire world.
Prophesying again implies that there are corrections to be made by the
Church as a result of the new 2022 Elijah Message. The New 2022 Prophecy
introduces other doctrinal dimensions, horizons and perspectives which must be
accommodated in the new spiritual dispensation for the Church. This must
receive a lot of opposition from the beneficiaries of the status quo and
especially the top leadership of the Christian churches, denominations and
The 2022 Prophecy MUST occasion several fundamental changes
and alignments in line with the new message. This is why the message will meet
a lot of opposition from the very people who are supposed to embrace it.
Prophesying again also means a radical overhaul of existing erroneous Christian
doctrines, teachings and traditions. That is why the angel of Revelation 10
describes the message as being ‘sweet’ in the mouth but ‘bitter’ in the
stomach. This means we are all happy to hear truths emanating from the Bible
but when it comes to implementation there are barriers from all corners thanks
to the devil. Elijah’s mission is equated to that of
Prophet Jeremiah and Ezekiel who were mandated to “destroy, demolish and REBUILD”.
This is not just another book but a long earth-shaking
personal letter which translates into 15 different books the size of this first
one. The letter is addressed to all the inhabitants of the earth and especially
the Church of Jesus Christ. All the 15
books/letters supplement each other in looking at The 2022 Elijah Message from various Biblical and prophetic angles
and perspectives so that we can have an all-round understanding of this
important matter. Every page of my long
letter to you displays and reflects the validity, the genuineness, the
integrity, the originality, the morality, the truthfulness, the authenticity
and even the ‘righteousness’ of the date 1.1.2022.
In this letter, I have exposed several revelations that God
has over time graciously revealed to me during my many years of Spirit-led, diligent
and prayerful study and research on end-time Bible prophecies. My letter is
therefore informed and inspired by my great desire to see every one of us in a
position whereby we will make the correct decision in this end-time and decision-making
time. Everybody must be well informed in order to make the right decision since
the Prophetic Day of the Lord is
fast-approaching and is scheduled to start on Friday, the 20th day
of March 2015 and end on the evening of Friday, the 31st December
2021. The prophetic day of the Lord
is NOT a 24-hour period but a period of the last seven years of the history of
this world during which God will conclude and finalize the noble Plan of
Salvation. Most of us call it the time of the Great Tribulation (Ezekiel 39:9).
The main purpose of
The 2022 Elijah Message is to UNSEAL the sealed prophecies pertaining to the
time of the end. I am reminded that Daniel was firmly instructed to seal
those prophecies until the time of the end during the era and time of the final
and last generation that Jesus will find upon His return (Daniel 12:9). Those
end-time prophecies have remained as top secrets for ages. You will realize
that in my letter, I will not be discussing the theory or the doctrine of the
second coming but I will be talking and discussing about the dates when
everything will be fulfilled or consummated. It is one thing to discus the
theory of the second coming and it is quite another to announce the date of its
It must be mentioned here and now that every date and year
concerning the consummation or fulfillment of the entire Plan of Salvation was
known by God long before He even embarked on creating our world but He could
not reveal the dates until the appointed time of the end (Isaiah 46:10). In His
own wisdom, God prepared Elijah the Prophet in advance as His special end-time
Messenger to unseal those sealed prophecies.
It is Prophet Elijah who is supposed to provide the passwords and secret codes
necessary for the correct understanding of all the sealed end-time prophecies.
We must loudly admit that God has already sent Elijah the Prophet because his
message is already in the air and we can hear it. Please note that all the
truths concerning the end-times were known long time ago but were tightly hidden in the visions of Daniel and
Revelation as well as in the symbolism of the sanctuary system as given to
Israel through Moses (Psalms 77:13).
The situation facing us today as a Church in these last days
is how to identify and interpret all the visions and dreams that old-time Biblical
prophets left for our analysis and understanding. The Church is therefore faced
with the same situation that Nebuchadnezzar found himself in when he sought
Daniel’s help in not only identifying but also interpreting his visions (Daniel
2). Prophet Elijah has been anointed as our Daniel in our end-time scenario to
lead us into a correct understanding of the end-time prophecies. John the
Baptist was the Elijah of the first coming, thank God we have the Elijah of the
second coming (Malachi 3 & 4).
This letter passionately promotes and echoes the teachings
of The 2022 Elijah Message. This new Message is a straight testimony, a
fearless, Bible-based and Sanctuary-based, Judgment-hour, end-time prophetic
message for these last days. The 2022 Elijah Message is the only basis upon
which all end-time spiritual revival and reformation should be conducted by the
Christian Church. The only song that all the last-day Christians should be
singing is the song of Elijah the Prophet.
During the first coming of Jesus, Israel were waiting for Elijah more
than for the Messiah because Elijah had to come first with the full details of
the coming of the Messiah. The same thing should happen to all of us Christians
living in these last days, it is Elijah the Prophet who should tell us how and
when the second coming will be consummated. It should be the duty of everyone
to search for The Elijah Message as
for treasure. In fact we have no other choice or alternatives as Christians who
are heaven-bound. You are lucky that this letter is in your hands for the
message it contains is part and parcel of the broader Elijah Message which you
are also supposed not only to embrace, but to promote passionately as a
mandatory noble Christian duty from today (Mathew 28:19).
One of the most challenging questions I get during my
presentation and teachings is on the source of my views around this wonderful
Message. As far as I can remember, the only related vision I have ever received
was when after much prayers and fasting, Jesus Himself came to me in a vision
at mid-day when I was wide awake and firmly promised me that whenever I
prayerfully and diligently approach the scriptures to seek understanding in
matters to do with all end-time prophecies, then He will always personally be there
to interpret everything for me. I must admit that He has always been faithful
in His promise despite my numerous human frailties and weakness. Praise be to
His Holy name. I therefore have a lot of confidence in whatever I share with
you because I know and trust its SOURCE.
I cannot forget to draw your attention to the fact that the
sanctuary system as given to Israel through Moses is a rich minefield of
everlasting truths which are wisely but safely hidden in the puzzling symbolism
of the system. I want you to know from the onset that all the dates appointed for the celebration or observance of sanctuary
events and services are the same dates when the real events otherwise called
the ‘anti-types’ which are symbolized by those events and services will take
place or materialize. Please keep
that in mind as you go through this letter because we shall use that fact and
‘secret’ to identify dates of all end-time prophetic events.
The sanctuary system is designed in such a manner as to
provide teaching aids and object lessons as well as symbolism which vividly
capture all the finer details and aspects pertaining to the entire Plan of Salvation.
All the views that I share in this letter are sanctuary-based. All
the secrets of the Plan of Salvation are hidden in the sanctuary system with
all its complicated symbolism of both timelines as well as events themselves
(Exodus 25:8-9).
I must also add that
it is one thing to teach about the theory or doctrine of the second coming and
it is quite another to announce and declare the date and year when the Plan of
Salvation will be consummated. In this time and era of The 2022 Prophecy, we cannot as Christians afford to stand up and
claim that Jesus is coming without giving the exact dates when it will happen.
In this letter, I am not sharing about the theory or the doctrine of the second
coming but my burden is to announce the year of jubilee. Let me repeat again
and again that JESUS WILL COME ON 1.1.2022.
I am abundantly aware of the various challenges associated
with this kind of mission and vision and all I can say is that it is not by power, neither by strength but
by God’s Spirit. It is a mission which must cost me friends, invite unfair and
negative criticism, but my eye will always be single to the goal. I have to
keep on reminding myself more than ever before that the journey to heaven is a
blood-stained path of self-denial. In
any case “It’s none of my business but God’s” and He knows better how to
accompany and protect His faithful servants as they serve Him.
I therefore echo the
words of past servants of God in their lofty declaration that “I have stepped
over the line. The decision has been made and sealed. I won’t look back, let
up, slow down, back away, flinch or be still. My past is redeemed, my present
makes sense and my future is secure. I am finished and done with low living,
sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions,
mundane talking, cheap living and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence,
prosperity, positions, promotions, plaudits or popularity. I do not have to be
first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or recognized. I now live by faith
and lean on His presence.
My face is set, my goal is fixed, my goal is heaven, my road
is narrow, my way rough, my companions few, my Guide reliable and my mission
clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back or
delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence
of the adversary, negotiable at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of
popularity or wonder in the maze of mediocrity.
I will not give up, shut up or let up until I
have stayed up, stored up and prayed up for the cause of Christ. I must go till
He comes, give till I drop, preach all I know and work till He stops me. And
when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me as His own.
My banner will be clear. Amen.
Very interesting! I had a feeling it could be 2022. I'm seeing 22:22, 222 numbers all the time, maybe it has something to do with it.
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