The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

God's Special days and Appointed Times

I have always said God is an excellent time keeper. He never does anything by accident or coincidence. He prepares for anything well in advance and according to Him there is time for every thing under the Sun. When He designed the Calendar of Salvation, God in His wisdom set apart special days and times during which He would be addressing Himself to various issues to do with human salvation.
Although the entire 49 years of His calendar belongs to Him, He has programmed Himself because according to Him there is time for everything. This is because the Plan of Salvation comes in different phases all of which require to be accorded special times for them to be accomplished. Our God is a God of order and He is logical and orderly in everything He does. God carefully established these special days and times and entrenched them by a special divine appointment and decree so that those moments became known as God’s appointed times. These appointed times belong to God but He calls upon us to join Him by faith always in observing those regular timelines.
The appointed times are not just mere theories because when these times come, God in heaven abandons every other business and embarks on fulfilling His own mission guided by the theme of the moment or purpose of that special day. During all the appointed times, He always convenes real meetings involving all other heavenly stakeholders to audit and strategize on the programs associated with the Plan of Salvation. All that God wants to do for humanity He does it during one of those appointed times. All end time prophetic events will take place during one of the appointed times of the Lord. The appointed times of the Lord marks the beginning point or the ending point of all Bible end-time prophecies.
It is therefore absolutely impossible for anyone to understand when God will do ‘what’ if we do not understand the appointed times and the themes they bring with them as well as when to celebrate them. Any major Biblical event you know of happened in one of the Lord’s appointed times. This includes Noah’s floods, Abraham’s promise, the exodus, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, fall of Jericho walls, Babylonian captivity, death and resurrection of Jesus among many others. Even the promised Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus during one of the appointed times. Even the promised outpouring of the Latter Rain will happen on the Day of Pentecost which is one of the appointed times of the Lord.
1.       The most frequent appointed time of the Lord is the daily and 3 p.m moments. These are the times which were set apart specifically for the purpose of the morning and evening sacrifices respectfully ( Exodus 29:38).  After Jesus abolished the animal sacrifices and offerings, these two timelines were adopted as official prayer times by the Church and that is what they should always remain. Most of the Biblical prophets recorded their visions and dreams during these official hours. The case of Elijah at Mt. Carmel when he prayed at the time of the evening sacrifice for the miraculous fire is a good example. Daniel too tells us that he saw visions at the time of the evening sacrifice among many other examples.  Can you remember when John and Peter healed the beggar outside the temple when they had gone for official prayers at 3pm?(Acts 3:1) For more details please get my book on the subject but please note that Christians are supposed to whisper prayers at that time wherever they may be.

(2) The 7th day of the week is also another appointed time that God has set apart (Genesis 2:3). This holy day symbolizes the era of righteousness that we shall enjoy after we are through with the era of sin which is symbolized by the six working days from Sunday to Friday. The ‘rest’ that we enjoy on Saturday Sabbaths is symbolic of the relaxation that we shall get after shedding of the chains of the captivity of sin upon the coming of Jesus. It is for this reason that no sin offering was allowed on Saturday Sabbaths. You were supposed to repent of any sin by Friday. The reason why Friday is officially called “preparation day” is because we are supposed to prepare spiritually before entering into the Sabbath. Many people wrongly limit the idea of preparation on Fridays to just washing and ironing clothes and of course cooking early for the Sabbath.
The spiritual aspect of Friday preparation is the most important. Friday evening symbolizes the hour of the close of probation since no one is allowed to cross into the Sabbath with un-repented sins. Saturdays or Sabbath days should be small sinless heavens. On Saturdays we should be walking in the breeze of sinless heaven. It is quite true that God does not tolerate sin in any day but He gets rather angry when we enter into the Sabbath with un-repented sins and when we sin on Sabbath days. You are not supposed to cross into Sabbath harboring any un-repented sins. That is the true preparation. The ironing of your clothes on Friday is physical but we need to remember we have the spiritual preparations to make.
Every other Saturday in heaven, God summons a real assembly of all the inhabitants of heaven to celebrate and audit the work of the past six days in as far as the Plan of Salvation is concerned. Here on earth, we are supposed to always reciprocate by holding parallel and simultaneous assemblies. That is what it means to walk with or to follow God wherever He goes. There are special blessings attached to these special days. Remember it is mandatory that we observe these timelines.
(3) The first day of every month is also a special appointed time that God has set apart for special thanksgiving. It is naturally important to thank God after a whole month of protection and blessings. The first day of the month is called New Moon day (Numbers 28:11).
(4) Another appointed time of the Lord comes between the evenings of the 14th day of the first month to the evening of the 21st day of the same first month (Numbers 28:16). This is the time appointed for the celebration of the Passover Festival. Christians are supposed to assemble and join heaven in the 7- day Passover celebrations. During this time heaven also assembles to celebrate, consider and audit the Plan of Salvation from the perspective of the theme of the Passover Festival.
(5)  Approximately 50 days from the Passover festival (Leviticus 23:15), we have the day which is specifically set apart for the celebration of the festival of Pentecost. This day always falls on a Sunday. This is a very special day and is reckoned as a Sabbath despite the fact that it always falls on Sundays which is the first day of the week. It was when the disciples were celebrating the Festival of Pentecost that they received the promised Holy Spirit.
Even in the future, those who will receive and be empowered by the promised outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit (latter rain) must be found in the process of celebrating the Festival of Pentecost. If any of the disciples had missed those Pentecostal celebrations, they would not have received the Holy Spirit. In other words, God will pour out the promised latter rain at a particular moment during the day when we shall be busy celebrating the Festival of Pentecost. As I have indicated elsewhere, this will happen exactly on Sunday the 24th day of June 2018.  The date of this important day is the same day that is suggested in the Mosaic Law for the celebration and observance of the Festival of Pentecost for that year. Heaven also regularly assembles for the same celebrations at the same time.
(6)  The first day of the seventh month is also another special day which is reckoned as a Sabbath day whether or not it falls on a Saturday. This is a day dedicated to God’s final warning for dying and perishing humanity. This is a day of the Feast of the Trumpets which comes under the final Festival of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:23). The trumpets recorded in Revelation Chapter 8 will be blown in fulfillment of this feast. The trumpets in Revelation Chapter 8 will be the anti-types of the trumpet feast. The trumpets will start to be blown during a day of the Feast when we shall be celebrating. All heaven regularly assembles for the same celebrations at the same time.
(7)  The 10th day of the 7th month is the most solemn day in God’s calendar because it symbolizes God’s work of final judgment. It is mandatory to fast on this day on this day. This day is always reckoned as a Holy Sabbath day whether or not it falls on Saturdays. All heaven regularly assembles for the same celebrations at the same time (Leviticus 23:27).
(8)  The other appointed time falls at the end of God’s religious calendar from the 15th day to the 21st day. It is a 7-day event which is biblically known as the Feast of Tabernacles. This is the event which symbolizes the second coming which will happen exactly in the dates suggested in the symbolic services. The 15th and the 21st days are reckoned as Holy Sabbath days whether or not they fall on Saturdays. Just like in all other cases, all heaven also assembles at the same time for the same holy celebrations (Leviticus 23:34).
(9)  The 7th or Saturday year just like the 7th day of the week is considered a Sabbatical for the land and no cultivation was allowed in this year. The slaves would be set free in this year signifying how as sinners we will be liberated from the captivity of sin in a Sabbatical year. This is a special year in heaven which is dedicated to auditing (Leviticus 25:2). 
(10)  The 50th year is a special year of jubilee which symbolizes the year of the second coming. The fact of the matter is that God uses the above timelines to accomplish all matters pertaining to our salvation. His times serve as beginning and ending points of all end-time prophetic events. The 2022 Elijah message could be well understand unless we have a thorough understanding of God’s working hours which we call his appointed time. In other words, the appointed times of the Lord constitutes His diary for our salvation. God has given us those times of appointments so that we can always go before Him for special blessings in as far as the theme of the moment is concerned (Leviticus 25:8).
In His own wisdom, God designed that Jesus will come on a Saturday Sabbath, in a Sabbatical year during the time of the Festival of Tabernacles. Every end- time prophetic event is associated with at least one or two of the above appointed timelines.
Kindly get my book on these timelines so that you can understand the depth of the matter and appreciate their importance in identifying dates for all the end-time prophetic events.

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