The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

How Daniel Confirmed The Year 2022

The prophecy which is recorded in Daniel 9:24-27 is the one which directly gives us the date of the second coming. It is the heart of the end-time Elijah Message.  It is the Prophecy of Prophecies.
Due to the high spiritual significance that God attaches to this Prophecy, it has received attack after attack from Satan who is determined to craftily conceal and obscure the end-time secrets which are tightly hidden in this rich Prophecy which is popularly known as The Seventy Weeks’ Prophecy.
The 70 Weeks’ Prophecy is the foundation upon which The 2022 Elijah Message is founded. No one can claim to have a correct understanding or perspective of end-time prophetic events without a correct and an all-round understanding of all the aspects of this ‘Prophecy of Prophecies’.
The devil has managed to sell several versions of wrong interpretations of this Prophecy with a lot of success among Christians. We have so many interpretations some of which are antagonistic to each other thanks to the work of the devil. Another challenge which has always stood in the way of reaching a correct understanding of the 70 Weeks’ Prophecy is a vain attempt by Churches and theologians to attempt to prematurely interpret the Prophecy before the appointed time for its unsealing because it has always been a sealed Prophecy since the days of Daniel.
In God’s own design and wisdom, all the prophecies pertaining to the end-time events were only supposed to be understood by the last generation which Jesus will find upon his return (Daniel 12:4,13). This is the very last generation which will close down the history of the world. In case you do not know, if you are reading this letter then you belong to that final generation. One of the most important missions and vision of this letter is to demonstrate that ours is the last generation which will witness the scenes of the second coming. It is a blessed and a cursed generation all rolled into one. However it is the date of 1.1.2022 which springs from every page of my letter. My letter is not committed to discussing the doctrine, theory or theology of the second coming, on the contrary my letter is more inclined towards revealing and discussing the date of the second coming, the date of it’s consummation, the date of our vindication, the year of the Lord’s favor, the year of Jubilee.
It is on the 1st day of January 2022 that we shall all receive the goal of our faith which is the salvation of our souls. All of us Christians should therefore anxiously wait for the dawn of that glorious morning when we shall with listless joy receive the goal of our faith which is the salvation of our souls. From the very beginning, God had determined that any Prophecy to do with the second coming will be unsealed and made clear only in the very last days as part and parcel of the broader Elijah Message. It is for this reason that I am directly connecting the 70 Weeks’ Prophecy with ‘The 2022 Elijah Message’.  God made it very clear and Jesus emphasized that God will send prophecy Elijah in the last days to prepare the way for the Lord the way he sent John the Baptist. The solution to all the challenges which face the last-day Christian saints lies deep in “The 2022 Elijah Message”.
Despite his privileged position as one of the top leaders in the kingdom of Babylon, Daniel the Prophet was not at peace whenever he considered the pathetic plight of his fellow Israelites who were ironically comfortable in exile at a time when the city of Jerusalem and their temple lay shamelessly in shambles back home. Inspired and informed by his great love for his people, Daniel selflessly petitioned God through prayers so that his people could be given understanding not only about their current affairs but about their future as well. At the same time, Daniel took it upon himself to study and research on the prophecies in the hope of finding some clues as to what God expected of them as a race and as a generation. One day as he perused through the writings of prophet Jeremiah, Daniel discovered the ignored and abandoned prophecy which is recorded in Jeremiah Chapter 25. No one in the entire nation of Israel had considered the implications of this prophecy in detail (Daniel 9).
The Prophecy in Jeremiah 25 says that they were to be attacked and exiled by King Nebuchadnezar for a period of 70 years as punishment for their disobedience, rebellion and disregard for the Everlasting Covenant that He had signed with them at Mt Sinai. Daniel must also have bumped into another rather unknown prophecy in lsaiah which says that when the 70 years of exile is over, God will use King Cyrus of the Medo-Persian Empire to liberate His people from 70 years of captivity. God predicted the rise and fall of the two kings long before anybody knew they would ever be Kings and it came to pass that they became Kings when their appointed time came and they behaved just as prophesied.  Nebuchadnezar attacked Israel in 606 B.C and took Israel as exiles and prisoners in Babylon and exactly seventy years later which reached down to the year 536 B.C, King Cyrus not only set Israel free but he did it by an official decree which became part of the Law of the Medo-Persians.
The discovery of these two Prophecies must have inspired and informed Daniel’s commitment in petitioning God through prayers on behalf of the entire Nation of Israel as recorded in Daniel 9:2-16. The fact that the 70 years had already expired by the time Daniel discovered these Prophecies must have fueled his commitment even further. It was so sad for Daniel to learn that God had already determined how many years they were to spend in captivity and those years had expired yet Jerusalem still lay in ruins. In answer to Daniel’s prayers and petition, God gave Daniel the Vision and Prophecy which is recorded in Daniel 9:24-27. This is the famous 70 Weeks’ Prophecy.  It is worth noting that Daniel had not finished praying when God sent His angel to provide the answer. Today we worship the same God who can answer us as promptly as He answered Daniel.
The following are highlights explaining different aspects of the 70 Weeks’ Prophecy. Please note that when giving the 70 Weeks’ Prophecy, God expected and hoped that Israel would receive and accept Jesus as the Messiah instead of killing Him. Therefore some highlights will be lacking in some details because Jesus was never accepted. These highlights reflect the genuineness, the truthfulness, the morality, the originality and the authenticity of the year 2022. The highlights describe in detail the events which must take place between the beginning and the end of the 70 weeks of 49 years each from the year of the exodus which is 1437 B.C.
(1)    The Seventy Weeks’ Prophecy is an extraordinary Prophecy which has double application. It is like a double-edged sword. In other words, we say such Prophecies have dual-applications. In giving this Prophecy, one can correctly say that ‘God was using one stone to hit at two birds’. The Prophecy addresses BOTH the future of Israel as a Nation/Race/Church which culminates in the second coming as well as the future of those who only belonged to Daniel’s generation culminating in the first coming of Jesus as a child of Mary and as our Passover lamb. It is absolutely necessary and important to make that distinction.

A closer look at the vision and especially verse 24 shows that God applied the term “The People” to refer to Israel as a Nation/Race/Church as opposed to the term “The  Holy City” in reference to Daniel’s generation. Therefore when He says “The People”, we should know God is discussing the bigger picture and is addressing the issue of the second coming.  When He is talking about “The Holy City”, we should know that He is referring to the issue of the first coming from the point of view of Daniel’s generation.

As we have already established, God’s salvation calendar shows that God uses two different types of weeks to provide future prophetic timelines. Kindly make sure you obtain my other book on God’s calendar of salvation. You cannot afford to miss it. God uses the bigger week of 49 years in relation to Israel as a Nation/Church. The week of seven years is then used in relation to any particular generation in giving timelines for what Bible students refer to as local prophecies as opposed to cross-cutting prophecies which covers more than one generation extending up to the end of the history of this world.

I am reminded that it is absolutely important to take note of the observation that God would have created this world of ours by uttering a single word but He chose to wrap everything up in seven full days so that we can learn something important about His character.  As you go through my entire letter on this matter, please do not forget this observation since it forms the backbone and basis of a correct understanding of God’s Salvation & Jubilee Calendar which is very crucial in identifying and in justifying the year 2022.  By stretching His work of creation to seven days, God wanted us to know that He makes interventions in matters of humanity using a ‘process’ as opposed to an ‘event’. This depicts or shows the patience or the long-suffering traits of God’s character. This also shows that God subdivides the time He spends to fulfill His purposes for us into seven equal parts or timelines. That’s why God has used a week of seven days as a template to form and operate other larger timelines including the prophetic ones. Therefore, God can use either a week of seven days, a week of seven months which is called a religious year, a week of seven years or a week of 49 years.  

Therefore in this particular case we are supposed to use the week of 49 years in relation to the issue of the second coming and the week of seven years in relation to the first coming. Due to the nature and purpose of this first book, I am only going to zero-in on the issue of the second coming alone. I will cover the issue of the first coming elsewhere in my letter. Please make your request.

(2)    In applying the week of 49 years concerning the second coming, our starting point should be the year that Israel left Egypt which is 1437 B.C. This is the year that Israel entered into a Covenant relationship with God. God told them that the year 1437 B.C was to be their first in their new calendar. Therefore everything prophetic about Israel as a Nation is supposed to be reckoned from the year 1437 B.C.

According to the vision given to Daniel, God said He had given Israel 70 weeks of 49 years each (3430yrs) from the year 1437 B.C to establish everlasting righteousness by putting an end to sin, anoint the Most Holy and seal up prophecy and vision in order to facilitate the second coming of Jesus after the expiry of those seventy weeks.

Mathematically speaking, 70 weeks of 49 years each translates to a total of 3430 years (70 x 49=3430). From the year of the exodus which is 1437 B.C, 3430 years reaches down to the year 1993.  It is in the year 1993 that God wanted to close down the history of this world by the second coming of Jesus but unfortunately the Church was not ready at all and God had to exercise His well known patience like He did for forty years in the wilderness of Mt Sinai.  Am sufficiently reminded that when time was ripe for Israel to be liberated from Egypt they were not ready. Actually many were not aware that they were in slavery in the first place as a punishment which was scheduled to take a period of 430 years as promised to Abraham. 

Likewise, it is also sad to note that when the seventy years of Israel’s exile were over in Babylon,  Israel did not know since they were ignorant of the prophecies of Jeremiah and Isaiah which clearly stipulated how and when they would be taken captives and later liberated.  As a result of their lack of knowledge, Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years to cover a journey which would ordinarily take only 21 days.  Similarly, Israel ‘wandered’ or delayed in Babylon from 536 B.C to 457 B.C. In the same manner, the last-day Church has been wandering in their desert of ignorance since 1993.  It is the purpose of this letter to show you why and how God lovingly postponed His day of consummation from 1993 to 2022.

(3)    According to the 70 Weeks’ Prophecy, there are other events which are lined up to take place between 1437 B.C to 2022. The first one takes place after exactly 7 weeks of 49 years each (Daniel 9:25). This translates to a total of 343 years and they extend down to the year 1095 BC from the year of the exodus which is 1437 B.C.  This is the ‘maximum’ time that Israel was given by God to establish themselves as a peculiar Nation among all the nations of the earth by carefully following the terms of the Everlasting Covenant as agreed upon amidst the awful grandeur of Mt Sinai (Exodus 19:5). They were supposed to be a Kingdom of Priests with God as their leader. Please be reminded that since the fall of man, it has been God’s purpose and intention to establish a Kingdom of righteousness here on earth even before He comes to totally eradicate sin. However the Church has always sabotaged God’s effort. It is this Kingdom that Jesus was coming to head when He came for the first time but His own people did not recognize Him but killed Him instead.

It was therefore God’s intention to establish that Kingdom by latest 1095 B.C. God would have loved to see Israel being ready to establish that Kingdom within the first year of the exodus but He understands our human weaknesses and frailties and that is why He gives us such long periods of time even cutting across generations.

In his characteristic style of sabotaging God’s work, Satan who is a good student of prophecy makes sure that he inspires the Church to do the very opposite of what God expects whenever such probation approaches. In this particular time, he inspired all the Israelites to start grumbling and complaining to King Samuel that they wanted to be like the other nations of the world. God had promised to make them a peculiar Nation but here they were demanding the very opposite. They said they wanted to have a King who would help run their affairs the same way other nations run their affairs. Their pressure was too much that God allowed Samuel to anoint and install Saul as their King. Saul was anointed by Samuel immediately the following year which is 1094 B.C. What a wasted opportunity!  What a chance it was for humanity to behold the glory of God!

(4)    The 70 Weeks’ Prophecy goes ahead to inform us of another important event which was scheduled to take place at the end of exactly 62 weeks of 49 years each from the year 1094 B.C which is where the first Seven weeks of 49 years each ended (Daniel 9:25-26). The 62 weeks of 49 years each translates to a total of 3038 years which extends down to the year 1944. The year 1944 marks the coming of the Anointed One to confirm the terms of the Covenant as agreed at Mt Sinai in 1437 B.C. The Anointed One is none other than Jesus (Daniel 9:26). According to God’s original plan, it was in 1945 that Jesus was supposed to begin the work of judging this world for a period of a week of 49 years or a whole Jubilee calendar of 49 years up to 1993. However, since we rejected and killed Jesus, He planned to use His earthily priests and ambassadors as His official agents. There are missing details in this Prophecy because Jesus was rejected in 30 A.D instead of being accepted by His people as God intended.

Therefore in the year 1944, Jesus empowered His saints and provided every means and infrastructure necessary so that the Church could be sufficiently reminded to go back and start living according to the terms and conditions of the Everlasting Covenant. He created the necessary environment and ensured there was sufficient grace to facilitate that arrangement. Unfortunately the Church was once again caught napping and we wasted yet another opportunity!  A ‘scorpion always a scorpion’.  Due to lack of space I cannot provide all the details but I cannot hesitate to add that the Second World War which ended in 1945 was designed by the devil in such a manner as to create an unsuitable environment for God to achieve His noble purposes for mankind from 1945.

(5)    The Prophecy goes ahead to say that after the 62 sevens or in other words after 1944, the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing (Daniel 9:26).  The work or mandate of Jesus immediately after Baptism by John has a lot of similarities and parallelism with what Jesus was scheduled to do from or after 1945. We have to find out how Jesus was cut off after 1944 and how He was left with nothing. Because of the unpreparedness of the Church in 1944, the Church was not able to exploit the situation and carry their mandate as instructed by Jesus from 1945 onwards. In the same way that we rejected Christ as a Church and killed him in 30 A.D, so was Christ rejected afresh by the Church that did not recognize that the time had come for God to conclude the Plan of Salvation. As I have indicated above, there could be missing details in this Prophecy because Israel rejected and killed Christ instead of installing Him as their King of Righteousness. If Jesus was accepted then the 1945 would have added dimensions.

It is absolutely important for me to remind the reader of another wonderful observation we make from the character of God.  When God enters into an agreement or Covenant with His Church or individual saints and the time of the Covenant is defined by any of the three types of weeks in the Salvation/Jubilee Calendar, then God always intervenes in the “middle of the next week” to give some fresh reminders and instructions especially if things are not going according to His noble plans. In other words, God’s patience runs out in the “middle of the next week” after the expiry of the probationary week. The best example is the week of seven years that Jesus embarked on immediately after His baptism. Everything that Jesus achieved for us He did it in the middle of that week which was the year 30 A.D. Jesus died for us in the middle of the week, He put an end to sacrifices in the middle of the week, He set up the Abomination in the middle of the week. Jesus acts in the middle of the week. That is why we expect Him to act in the middle of the week of 49 years which started in 1994 immediately after the disappointment of 1993. This week 

It is for this reason that the Bible gives a lot of prophetic timelines based on this principle of the “middle of week”. The best example is like the three and a half years which is severally quoted in end-time prophecies, the 1260 days etc etc. Mathematics show the 4th day or the 4th week is the one which lies in the middle. In the case of the last week of 49 years which began in 1945, the week which can be said to be in the middle is the period which began from the year 1966 to the year 1972. This is why it is said that Christ was cut off by the Church the way Christ was killed by the Church in 30 A.D. The crucifixion of Jesus in 30 A.D has a lot of similarities and parallelism with the rejection of the end-time message of Christ in this period between 1966 to 1972. By this time, the people that Jesus had mandated to work from 1945 had already failed just like those who were of military age when Israel left Egypt failed and were not even allowed to enter Canaan. If Israel had accepted Christ then there would have been other added details of this wide Prophecy.  

When we look at this Prophecy carefully, we discover that the devil has been on hand to exploit the gap left by the failures of the Church. The establishment of the United Nations in 1945 and the birth of Israel as a Nation in 1948 were Satanic maneuvers to satisfy the curiosity of his followers. The wave and wind of liberation and freedom which brought down colonialism throughout the world is closely connected with this Prophecy. God had to ensure that His Church enjoyed an environment of freedom in order to make the right choices pertaining to the Everlasting Covenant because time was ripe for that. That is why He had to bring down colonialism throughout the world with effect from that year. Israel’s war of 1967/8 is also closely connected with the events of the “middle of the week” between 1966 and 1972.

It is during this middle of the week (1967-72) that God vowed not to allow those He had mandated to revive the Everlasting Covenant in 1944 to see Jesus coming the second time the way He prevented Israelites who were of military age in 1437 B.C  from entering Canaan for their disobedience in the wilderness. Therefore the people born after 1944 and in particular in the middle of the week were given the responsibility which was originally given to others in 1944.

(6)    The 70 Weeks Prophecy says that after the 62 sevens which means after 1944, the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary ( Daniel 9:26).  This again is repeated in Daniel 11:31 which say that the armed forces of the King of the North will attack the temple and destroy it and abolish the daily sacrifice. At the same time they will also set up the Abomination which causes Desolation as Jesus had warned. From Daniel 12:11, we learn that when this happens  i.e  the setting up of the Abomination and the abolition of the daily, it will be remaining only 1290 days to the end of time when God will close down the history of this world as we know it by the second coming of Jesus.  The King of the North in the end-time setting is the United States of America plus its political and economic allies.

(7)    The Prophecy goes ahead to inform us that after the 62 sevens which is after 1944, the end will come like a flood (Daniel 9:26). This implies that the end will come so fast and so quickly that it will surprise every inhabitant of the world.  This shows that the end cannot come before 1944 but only after. The world is not used to God talking and acting. God has been so quiet since the day of Pentecost. When the day of the Lord begins in 2015 to end in 2021, God will surprise many. The awful grandeur of Mt. Sinai will fade into insignificance when compared with God’s supernatural manifestations during the Prophetic Day of the Lord. The end-time prophetic events will surely happen in a flood-like manner.

(8)    The 70 Weeks’ Prophecy also talks of how the war will continue until the end and that desolations have been decreed (Daniel 9:26). The time of the end is designed to be a time of God’s wrath. In fact the Prophetic Day of the Lord which stretches from 2015 to 2021 is popularly known as the time of The Great Tribulation. It will be a time of trouble such as never was and never will be again (Daniel 12:1).

(9)    We are also told that Jesus is supposed to confirm a Covenant with many for one week (Daniel 9:27). Using His saints here on earth, Jesus has been using His faithful servants since 1944. It is in the middle of the week (1966-1972) that He “Put an end to sacrifice and offering” which means He went back to the drawing board to come up with another formula as a safety net since His original plan of concluding the Plan of Salvation in 1993 had backfired.

(10) We are also told of how Jesus himself will set up an abomination of desolation in the temple in the middle of the week after being cut off as a curse against the Church (Daniel 9:27). It says the abomination of desolation (Satan) will rule from God’s own temple until the time that God has appointed to release the Church from this awful curse.  In other words, when we rejected Christ in 30 A.D, He also hit back at us by allowing the devil to occupy a special place in His own sanctuary so that when as a rebellious Church we go to the sanctuary for worship, we do not find God but Satan.  This is what God means by saying that when we become disobedient He Himself sends us “a spirit of deception so that we can believe lies”. By saying that they did not have another king but Caesar and crucifying Jesus on the cross, Israel had crossed their set and established boundaries and therefore God was simply fulfilling their wish by allowing the devil into the sanctuary to rule over them.

This reminds us of a similar case when in 1095 B.C, Israel complained to God and demanded a King after their own heart just like the other nations of the world. God had intended to continue selecting kings for them but they refused. As a result they were given Saul who was anointed King by Samuel (1 Samuel 8). So when the Church rejected Christ and preferred Satan instead then God allowed Satan into the Sanctuary. Since then, the devil has been operating from God’s own sanctuary and therefore he is controlling most of the Churches that exist today until when the time appointed for the devil to be removed from that place. God will soon carry out a seven year process of removing Satan from the Most Holy Place in the sanctuary. This process will begin on 20th March 2015 and end on 31st December 2021 when an angel will come with a large chain and remove the Satan from the temple and imprison him for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1).  

Therefore in the end-time setting, the middle of the last week of 49 years falls between 1966 and 1972. This is the time that God “set up an abomination of desolation in His own temple” as a curse against the Church for her great sins of omission and commission since 1944.  He raised up other servants to replace the 1944 lot to finish the work up to 2021 in the middle of the week.

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