The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

The Way Forward

                                                  THE WAY FORWARD
The main purpose of this letter is to lead all of us to appreciate all that Jesus has already done for us so that we can make Him Lord over our lives. We must as a matter of urgency start celebrating and observing all the Appointed Times of the Lord. If this letter will not help in creating the righteousness of Jesus in you, if it will not help you get closer to Jesus then I must admit it will be vain but at least I will have succeeded in giving you this Message as a witness.
I must emphasize that we do not keep and observe the appointed times so that we can be saved because there is nothing we can do in order to be saved. It is all free by God’s grace in and through Jesus Christ . On the contrary, we keep and celebrate all the appointed times because we have already been saved and our Character has been modeled after that of Jesus and that is why we want to be where He is and follow Him wherever He goes. The golden formula of salvation stipulates that all sinners should carry their sins and all baggage before the feet of Jesus. Jesus says “come to me you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Since Jesus has time for everything, one of His appointed times deals specifically with the removal of sins and the heavy burden of sinners who come before Him at the appointed time.
In other words, all the appointed times of the Lord are designed such that if the sinner by faith observes all of them in their given order and timelines, then after one full religious year of seven months, the sinner will have gone through all the basic steps of salvation. In fact the last feast of The Tabernacles is designed to be the graduation ceremony of new converts. After having qualified, one does not abandon the appointed times and feasts but he continues to celebrate them in remembrance of what God has already done for us. This is not done in order to get saved but because already one has been saved.
If today you are a sinner and you do not know the way to approach God, just start observing all the appointed times of the Lord faithfully and at the right time and within no time, God will respond in a way that you never imagined. I invite you to join me in the observance and celebrations of the appointed times of the Lord. Just like the pool of Bethesda which used to be stirred only once a year in order to release special blessings, every appointed time brings with it a variety of blessings which we need not only for our survival but our salvation as well.   
If you are a Christian who is already attached to some Church, My advice is that you learn the entire Elijah Message and start sharing and spreading the message in your Church. However as you teach them, you should practice what you have already learnt by joining other saints in observing the appointed times whenever they come. You must do as Jesus did by going somewhere aside and celebrating correctly according to the law. I say this because I do not know of any Church which correctly celebrates the appointed times. I advise you to get in touch with me for more discussion on this matter.
If you are not a Christian and you want to be one, I will be happy to guide you through the process. I therefore invite all who would like to be celebrating Saturday Sabbaths and other appointed times with us to get in touch with me immediately. Those who want to be celebrating annual festivals with us are requested to hand over their names immediately so that we can consider you when organizing everything.
I am also requesting those who would like to learn more to make it a point of attending weekend seminars which we always organize with other saints. It is a challenge for those who have appreciated this message to embark on spreading it far and wide. I am ready to join and network with you in this noble venture.
                                                            SPECIAL APPEAL
If you have been touched by this message, kindly join me in spreading this wonderful message.  As I have told you, my letter is so long that it comes in 15 books of this size. There are obvious financial challenges in releasing the books and I am appealing to all of us to support me and God will bless you abundantly.  
I have also done a verse by verse comment on the books of Daniel and Revelation and it is important that I print them for the sake of the Church of Jesus Christ.  Please join me in releasing such life-changing materials. There are many other outreach materials that I want to develop and I cannot do it all alone. Kindly join me by supporting and praying for all the programs including a good website to reach all the corners of the globe.
I also have the capacity to release DVDs and it demands a lot of financial resources as well. Kindly consider how to chip in. I want to release jubilee calendars and other materials but I am limited by resources. I have the courage to ask for your offerings because that is how God has designed His truths to be preached to the entire world. I am convinced that God has given me a special end-time message but it is for the benefit of the Church not mine. That is why I am calling upon you to ensure that you also take part by contributing. You can also consider buying more copies of my books and give them out to your friends. If you can become a distribution agent I will more than appreciate.
I am also kindly requesting you to ensure that you order all the books that I have authored so that you can get all-round information on this wonderful 2022 Prophecy. 
You can order the following books;
(1)    God’s Original jubilee Calendar
(2)    The 144,000 Servants Of God
(3)    The Sanctuary
(4)    Prophecy In The Feasts
(5)    The Seven Seals
(6)    The Day Of The Lord
(7)    The Final Judgment
(8)    The Beasts Of Revelation
(9)    America In Prophecy
(10)The Abomination Of Desolation
(11)The 2300-Day Prophecy
(12)The Third World War
(13)The Latter Rain
(14)The Trumpets
(15) The 1335-Day Timelines
(16)Etc etc etc etc.

The 2022 Elijah Message

                         THE 2022 ELIJAH MESSAGE
The 2022 Prophecy which shows that Jesus will come on 1.1.2022 can justifiably be classified as part and parcel of the broader End-Time Elijah message (Malachi 3:1-5, 4:1-5). It is quite clear from the Bible that God had pre-determined and decreed how He would like the work of end-time spiritual revival and reformation to be carried out and by whom. He said He would send us Prophet Elijah to conduct the work of spiritual awakening in the same way He sent John the Baptist during the time of Jesus’ first coming. John the Baptist was the Elijah of the first coming. Thank God we have the gift of Prophet Elijah to prepare the way for the second coming. Every saint living in the last days has no choice but to look for, listen to and obey the views of Prophet Elijah.
Ignoring Prophet Elijah will be like ignoring john the Baptist and his teachings. This is God’s own design, and has to be followed. The work of Prophet Elijah is to communicate and preach The 2022 Prophetic Message under the banner of the Everlasting Covenant.
Elijah’s main mission is to remind the saints of the Covenant they entered into with God in 1437 B.C at Mt Sinai. Elijah discusses and promotes a totally new Judgment–hour and Sanctuary- based prophetic message which reveals the year of the second coming.  It is the responsibility of Prophet Elijah to put all matters pertaining to the Everlasting Covenant in their correct perspectives.
Satan has over time successfully misrepresented almost every other aspect pertaining to the Everlasting Covenant. The devil’s first attack on the Everlasting Covenant has been in disrupting the original architectural design of the terms and conditions of the Covenant. Exodus 19:3 clearly shows that the 10 Commandments constitute the terms and conditions of the Everlasting Covenant. You will notice that for no reason whatsoever, the First Commandment is not recognized by 99.99% of all Christians.
Currently (2013), I do not know of any Christian Church or group which recognizes and subscribes to the First Commandment. The most important commandment has been discarded and shamelessly done away with. When God gave the Ten Commandments, He also wrote them down and so there was no doubt as to the chronological order of the 10 Commandments. However, the devil has managed to inspire everyone to remove the first commandment which is found in exodus 20:2 and it says; ‘’I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery’ this is the only commandment which depicts God as a Savior. I have given more details on the 10 Commandments elsewhere in my letter. However in order to make up for number 10, all the protestant Churches have gone ahead to subdivide Commandment number two into two. The Catholics have divided many more Commandments like number 10. The wording of each Commandment must be as Moses was given since we are not supposed to add anything even an apostrophe or a coma. We must recall or redeem that First Commandment. I am convinced that all along it has been God’s deliberate design to conceal this First  Commandment as well as the validity of the three annual festivals because He only wants His last day remnant Church to enjoy the full benefits of the knowledge of the Law of God. It is almost a miracle that everyone has failed to notice the omitted Commandment and there is not a single Church in the world today (2013) which recognizes the first Commandment.
Another area where Satan has misrepresented facts in the understanding of the Everlasting Covenant is in the area of the other laws, statutes and judgments which were provided alongside the 10 Commandments at Mt Sinai in 1437 B.C.  It is clear from the scriptures that apart from the 10 Commandments, God also gave more laws which are recorded from chapters 21 to 23 of the book of Exodus. As you must have noticed, the 10 Commandments do not have explanations and instructions as to what should happen when one breaks any of the laws. The 6th Commandment for instance merely says “Thou shall not kill” but it does not say what punishment is to be meted out against those who break this law by killing. It is the laws, judgments and statutes which were given alongside the 10 Commandments which provide details to guide in the implementation and the operationalization of the 10 Commandments. As one inspired writer clearly points out, those other “laws and statutes are not shadows and types to die with Jesus on the cross, but are to be binding upon man as long as time should last” (Patriarchs & Prophets page).
Therefore the 10 Commandments plus the laws, judgment and statutes all combine to constitute the terms and conditions of the Everlasting Covenant otherwise called The Moral Law. Most Christians have only valued the Ten while totally ignoring the rest. According to Exodus 23:1-8, we are supposed to obey the  4th  Commandment in a systematic manner. The 4th Commandment is not only a matter of Saturday Sabbaths only but it involves other annual Sabbath days which are found in the Sabbatical laws as given at Mt Sinai as everlasting laws. The realization that all the laws given at Mt Sinai are still binding today serves to validate the other Sabbath days apart from the seventh day Sabbath. In other words, all the laws given at Mt Sinai on top of the Ten Commandments are part and parcel of the Great Moral Law. They are not ceremonial laws to die with Jesus on the cross.
Most of us dismiss those other Sabbaths as mere Jewish festivals which expired on the cross forgetting that even the early Church observed them long after the death of Jesus (. The most famous Feast was that of Pentecost which took place 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus yet Jesus endorsed it by sending His assembled disciples the promised Holy Spirit. Paul also personally kept those other Sabbath days not only regularly but passionately as is evident from these verses, Luke 24:30, Mathew 5:17, Mathew 8:11, Mark 14:25, Luke 1:10, Luke 22:16, Acts 2:1, Acts 3:1, Acts 18:21, Acts 20:6,Acts 20:16, Acts 27:9, 1Cor 5:8, 1 Corinthians 15:20 and 1 Corinthians 16:8.
 Those who twist and limit themselves to one verse of Paul in Colossians 1:14 to claim that the appointed times of the Lord or the feasts of the Lord were abolished at the cross should ask themselves whether it was possible and logical for Paul to condone that which he passionately observed and celebrated passionately. No other character in the New Testament dispensation is on record to have followed the Mosaic Law to the letter than Paul in as far as the Festivals and other appointed times are concerned.   

These annual Sabbath days are part and parcel of what we call the appointed times of the Lord (Leviticus 23). When God told Daniel to seal the end-time prophecies, He knew He would send Prophet Elijah to unseal those prophecies in the last days. It is therefore the work of Prophet Elijah to unseal the end-time prophecies found in Daniel chapter 10  to Chapter 12 which reveal the day and year of the second coming.
Revelation Chapter 10 depicts a scenario in the last days when Prophet Elijah appears to get anointed by getting instructions from God on how to get about the last work of revival and reformation. Elijah is instructed to prophesy again. He is told to prophesy again because of the new prophetic revelations and the new light he receives from God. The 2022 Elijah Message will bring about the much needed Church revival and reformation. God will use The 2022 Prophecy to judge the Church and the world. The heavens will also be shaken by the Elijah message.
The much talked about shaking of the Church will be brought about by The Elijah Message. There is no doubt that the Elijah message is already with us. The fact that we are now discussing the Elijah message means the message has come and as we all know, our priority is the message not the messenger since Prophet Elijah must be an ordinary, sinful and simple human agent. The 2022 Elijah Message should be contagious so that when you receive it you should let others know about it as well. Kindly join me NOW in this noble objective of aggressively spreading The Elijah Message throughout the entire world. The Elijah Message is the First Angels’ Message as recorded in Revelation Chapter 14 which announces the arrival of the year, month, day and hour of Judgment. 

Satan's Great Deception - The Rapture

                                SATAN’S GREAT DECEPTION-THE RAPTURE
The Majority of Christians believe in the “strange” doctrine of the rapture. The main argument or foundation behind this false doctrine is the fact that God will rescue or ‘rapture’ His church from the world before the Prophetic Day of the Lord so that they do not suffer from God’s acts of judgment during the final seven years of the history of the world.
This doctrine is informed and inspired by the erroneous perception that there is no way God will allow His people to suffer or to be around when the fires of persecution and God’s judgments are boiling and bumbling all over the earth.
I must declare from the onset that the devil is the author of the false doctrine of the rapture and most of us have been trapped into this abominable snare and confusion. The following scriptures from the Bible clearly show that the saints will be available during the time of the Great Tribulation of seven years.  God will protect them but will allow some of them to go through hard times of persecution in order to glorify His own name.
1)       Matthew Chapter 10 shows that God does not always automatically protect His people from persecution. Rather, He glorifies himself by saving them like He did to Daniel or to Job.

2)      Revelation 6:9 clearly states that in the end- time setting, there will be people who will be killed because of the Word of God.

3)      Revelation 9:4 also shows that during the Great Tribulation, there will be God’s people here on earth that will be having the Seal of God.
4)      Revelation 11:7 shows that God’s two witnesses (144000 servants) will be killed after finishing their work. They will not be protected but they will later glorify God by resurrecting and ascending as First-Fruits.

5)      Revelation 13:7 says the devil will actually have the power to defeat the saints. Verse 10 actually calls upon the saints to be patient during the persecution.
The devil has managed to promote the lie of the rapture doctrine through misrepresentation of several facts. While Christ teaches that being persecuted even to the point of death for His Name is a privilege, the devil teaches the opposite. As Paul says, we have been privileged not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for Him. Christian persecution should not be viewed and taken negatively but positively. This does not mean that the saints should court and invite persecution but when it comes, we should deal with it patiently. It is for this reason that God says that He does not allow us into a situation for which He cannot provide sufficient grace to withstand. God will not stop the fires of persecution. Rather, He will see us through the fires. God is called a Savior not because He shields us away from problems but because He saves us out of them. We must be victims of Satan’s chains of captivity for us to deserve a Savior in the first place. We are living in an era of sin before we go to the promised land.  Jesus prayed for His disciples not to be separated from sin but to get the power to overcome.
If you have been a victim of this false doctrine of the rapture, please obtain all my books and you will learn how Jesus will come and how the saints will go to heaven and their eternal destiny. In a nutshell, God the father plus Jesus our High Priest and all the inhabitants of heaven will come for those who have been faithful to the Word of God since the fall of Adam. Those saints who will be found alive will be translated so that they assume the kind of body that Jesus has in a process which we call glorification. Those saints who will be found to have died will be resurrected and glorified and together with the glorified living saints they will be caught up in the air (clouds) because the clouds carrying the heavenly host will not touch the earth.
God will then lead everybody back to heaven where they will stay for 1000 years before the whole heavenly group comes back a third time. For reasons I have given elsewhere in this long letter, the third coming will take place in the year 3022. In the year 3022, all the dead sinners will be resurrected. Satan will also be released and will emerge as the undisputed leader of the resurrected world for a period of seven years. The year 3022 will be a Sunday year and Jesus will again use seven years to prepare the world for the final reading of His Final Judgment during the Saturday /Sabbatical year of 3028. In 3028 all the resurrected sinners will be annihilated, all sin and all demons will be destroyed and God will recreate this world afresh.
Our world will have to be recreated to accommodate the presence of God and His entire dwelling place including all the inhabitants of heaven. It is such a privilege to hear that God will live among us. The new earth will not need the Sun, the Moon or the Stars thanks to the presence of God. It is gratifying to note that God has already chosen to uplift us to a higher level than Adam occupied before the fall. In Eden, God would visit Adam but was not living there, but in the earth made new, God will always live among us. Actually the 144000 will be living right inside God’s Temple which will serve as “The White House” of new world.
Our world will serve as the headquarters of the entire universe. All of us will serve as ministers in the New Government of Righteousness whose President will be Jesus. This Holy Government will be in charge of all the existing worlds because there are many other existing un-fallen or sinless worlds which are unknown to us at the moment. As a result of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, we are now reckoned as real Sons of God just like Jesus. In fact we are heirs together with Him. All that God has will be ours including the unknown planets. We will rule them as Kings because that is what we are. Our value is that of Jesus before God since we were bought at His price. The Law quoted ‘Jesus’ as the cost of our salvation and He did not disappoint. Friends, Jesus has uplifted us to a much higher position than even the angels. In Adam we were reckoned as created beings but in Jesus were have been adopted as Sons of God and that is what we really are. What a glorious privilege? Who would want to reject such a status and miss such a wonderful place? The purpose of this letter is to encourage all of us to be ready for the Day of the Lord so that we are not found wanting when the appointed time comes.
I look forward to the dawn of that glorious morning of 1.1.2022 when I shall with listless Joy receive the goal of my faith which is the salvation of my soul. Please kindly join me as I travel this lonely and blood-stained path of self denial as we spread The 2022 Elijah Message to the entire world. We are not alone!       

The Prophetic Day Of The Lord (2015-2021)

As I have already indicated, the Day of the Lord is not a 24-hour period but a period of the last seven years of the history of this world. The purpose of this letter (or book if you like) is to announce the Day of the Lord which starts on the 20th day of March 2015 to the 31st day of December 2021.
This will be a special period during which God will conclude and finalize the Plan of Salvation. Some Christians call this period the time of the Great Tribulation.
Prophetically speaking, The Prophetic Day of the Lord is the most eventful period in the history of salvation. It is called the Day of the Lord because God will take over the leadership of His Church after years of negligence by those responsible using the message of Prophet Elijah. God’s patience will run out and He will no longer keep silent. He will stand up to ensure His will is finally achieved for the glory of His own name. Since the fall of man, God has in vain given man all the time he needed to establish righteousness, He has waited for long and now His patience has run out. He has now discovered that if He relies on humanity then the Majesty and Glory of His own name will be at stake. Therefore for the sake of His Holy Name, God pre-determined to have a special moment which He calls His Day when He will descend to protect the integrity of His name. The Bible says Michael will stand up. This is during the last seven years of the history of this world (Daniel 12).  
All the prophesied end time prophetic events will materialize during this 7-year period. Although I cannot provide all the details due to lack of space, I can however afford to say that;
(1)    All the end-time events prophesied by Jesus and recorded in Mathew 24 will take place between 2015 and 2017. This includes rumors of war with nation turning against nation, there will also be natural calamities everywhere. The world economy will be brought down to its knees. Love for many will grow cold. There will be wailing everywhere as the world faces an angry God. It will be a time of God’s revenge against a sinful world. Jesus alerted us not to worry even if we hear of wars until we see the devil establish the Abomination of Desolation on 19th June 2018. Jesus advises that we should lead normal lives until the 19th day of June 2018 when the Abomination will be established. After that our normal lives will change because of persecution.

(2)    The Third World War will have to break out anytime between 2015 and 2017. The WW3 will be triggered by any of the universal political hotspots like the Middle-East crisis, the nuclear crisis, the Korean Crisis, struggle for global balance of power etc. The United States of America cannot just sit back and watch China overtake it as the only superpower economically. America will lead her political allies mostly N.A.T.O in an all out war against China/Russia Allied forces amidst great tensions in the world’s political, social and economic scenes.

(3)    As a result of the war, the United Nations as we know it will be radically changed to accommodate the new world order. A new international body to guarantee world peace will be formed from the ashes of the disbanded United Nations. The newly formed international body is the ‘Abomination of Desolation’ that Jesus told us to look out for. It is also symbolized by the first beast of Revelation chapter 13. This will happen exactly on Tuesday, the 19th day of June 2018. The Bible tells us that from that day, it will be remaining only 1290 days for God to close down the history of the world as we know it (Daniel 12).

(4)    God will commission and send out His 144000 faithful Servants with effect from Sunday, the 6th day of May 2018. The 144000 will work for 1260 days (Revelation 11). They will finish their work on Saturday, the 16th day of October 2021 when God will close the door of mercy for the world during the day of the Feast of Atonement. The Bible tells us that from the day the 144000 will be sent out, there will be remaining 1335 days for God to close down the history of the world.(Daniel 12)

(5)    On Sunday the 24th day of June 2018, God will close the door of mercy for the Church, the censer of Revelation Chapter 8 will be thrown down on this day to mark the close of probation for the Church but not for the world. A great global earthquake will mark the event bringing untold destruction everywhere on this day.

 This is the day that God will send the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit which we prophetically call the ‘Latter Rain’. Just like the 12 disciples, the 144000 will lead the Church during this wonderful event. This will be the day of celebrating the Festival of Pentecost and just like during the early Church, God’s servants will be found in the process of celebrating the Festival.

Even in the end-time setting, those who will not be found in the process of celebrating Pentecost on Sunday, the 24th day of June 2018 will NOT receive the wonderful refreshing showers of the Latter Rain. If you want to be among those who want to receive the promised showers of the Latter Rain, then you have no choice but to start observing and celebrating God’s appointed timelines TODAY.  Please note that this will happen five days after the setting up of the abomination of desolation and the abolition of the daily sacrifice on 19th June 2018.

(6)    On Thursday the 17th day of September 2020, Satan will stage a counterfeit second coming. Satan will be allowed to put on the physical body which Jesus had here on earth and will deceive everyone that He is actually Jesus. This dazzling being is the symbolized by the second beast of Revelation chapter 13. This is the 666 beast. 

(7)    On Saturday the 16th day of October 2021, the seventh trumpet will be blown therefore signaling the end of God’s grace in as far as our salvation is concerned. This is the day God will close the door of mercy for the entire world. This is the day that the Church will be found celebrating the Feast of Atonement.

(8)    The 144000 will be arrested by Satan and killed immediately after finishing their work between 16th October 2021 and 17th October 2021. After three and a half days, they will resurrect and go to heaven as the First Fruits on 20th October 2021. This will be exactly 70 days to the day of the second coming or to the end of the 1335-day timeline of Daniel 12.

(9)    The final last plaques or bowls (Revelation 16) will be poured out after the death, resurrection and ascension of the 144000 until the 31st day of December 2021 when the last and 7th one will be poured out.

As I have already indicated, God will use His appointed times and not any other day or time to accomplish all His purposes during this eventful 7-year period between 2015 and 2021. In other words all the end-time prophetic events will take place during the appointed times of the Lord.
The appointed times of the Lord serve as beginning and ending points of all end-time prophetic events. Due to lack of space, I cannot feature every event which will take place but I will provide the dates of God’s appointed times during this period so that you can be alert.
I may not know everything that God will do but at least I know He will do something during one of the following crucial appointed times. These appointed timelines are far and above the regular morning and evening prayer times as well as all Saturday Sabbath days. We know God can come in an earthquake, thunderstorm, hailstorm, lightning, winds or even in a whisper. One thing we are sure of is that God will be very busy during this period concluding the work of salvation and therefore we are likely to see Him manifest His presence in a way that will leave all of us surprised.
Do not forget that the Passover Festival plays host to three different feasts namely Passover itself, Unleavened Bread and First-Fruits. However the Pentecost Festival has only one Feast of Pentecost. Finally, the Festival of Tabernacles plays host to three Feasts namely Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles after which the festival is named. You must be alert during the following special days in the Prophetic Day of the Lord.
1.        20th March 2015 will be the first day of The Prophetic Day of the Lord.
2.       Passover Festival 2015, from 3rd April to 9th April.
3.       Pentecost Festival 2015, on 24th May.
4.       Tabernacles Festival 2015, from 13th September to 3rd October.
5.       Passover Festival 2016, from 21st April to 27th April.
6.       Pentecost Festival 2016 on 12th June
7.       Tabernacles Festival 2016, from 2nd October to 22nd October.
8.       Passover Festival 2017, from 12th April to 18th April.
9.       Pentecost Festival 2017 on 4th June.
10.   Tabernacles Festival 2017, from 20th September to 10th October.
11.   Passover Festival 2018, from 1st May to 7th May.
12.   Pentecost Festival 2018 on 6th May.
13.   Tabernacles Festival 2018, from 10th October to 30th October.
14.   Passover Festival 2019, from 19th April to 25th April.
15.   Pentecost Festival 2019 on 9th June.
16.   Tabernacles Festival 2019, from 29th September to 19th October.
17.   Passover Festival 2020, from 7th April to 13th April.
18.   Pentecost Festival 2020 on 3rd May.
19.   Tabernacles Festival 2020, from 17th September to 7th October.
20.   Passover Festival 2021, from 27th April to 3rd May.
21.   Pentecost Festival 2021 on 20th June.
22.   Tabernacles Festival 2021, from 6th October to 15th October.