The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


                                                                 CHAPTER THREE
                                         TIME UNITS IN GOD’S CALENDAR
In the same way that the Gregorian year is made up of different time units like the months, weeks and days, God’s calendar is also made up of different time units which are however totally different from those of the Gregorian calendar. The following are the time units which make up God’s calendar.
The ‘day’ is the smallest time unit in God’s calendar although it is further subdivided into hours, minutes and even seconds. However, the purpose of this book is to look at the bigger picture. From God’s perspective, the day is that period of time which falls between two sunsets. In other words, a day starts and ends at sunset. This is unlike the Gregorian calendar which reckons the day to start and end at mid-night.

One wonders what planetary motion is there at midnight to quality as the beginning of the day. One also wonders what sign there is on the Sun at that time to suggest the beginning of the day. The devil can really play around with our wisdom and surprisingly he succeeds greatly in getting our support. According to the Gregorian calendar, any successive 24 hours can be referred to as a day but not so from God’s perspective.

 A day according to God must always synchronize at sunset. Any period of 24 hours cannot qualify to be called a day according to God’s manner of reckoning time unless it synchronizes at sunset. However, any section of the day however small is considered to be a full day by God. That means that if God sends you for an assignment a few minutes before sunset, you will be considered to have been sent out for a full day and you will actually receive the same wages as those who had started earlier. Can you remember the eleventh hour workers? That is why we say our God is a God of the eleventh hour.

That is also the reason why we say Jesus stayed in the tomb for three days despite the fact that he was buried on Friday evening. The few hours of Friday are reckoned as a full day. At least on Saturday Sabbath he spent the whole day and then we have the night part of Sunday before resurrecting on Sunday morning. Jesus actually spent 40 hours in the tomb which is barely two days according to the Gregorian reckoning but according to God it is a record three days.

God did not give particular name to any of the days. The days were only named from number 1 to 7. There was no day number 8. Day number 8 again became day number 1 so that we have the world history unfolding in recurring periods of seven days each which are called weeks. Therefore from the perspective of the week, the days are known only from number 1 to number 7. All the seven days from number 1 to number 7 must run parallel or synchronize with their respective and corresponding days in the week of creation. We will look at other details when we are discussing the week of seven days as a special time unit in God’s calendar.

However, from the perspective of the month, the days are numbered in ascending order from number 1 up to the last day of the month which is the day before New Moon day or lunar conjunction.

Therefore each day is numbered from the perspective of the week as well as from the perspective of the month using different methods. A day can be the first day of the week but the 17th in the month. Sometimes there can be coincidences and accidents so that the first day of the week (Sunday) can also become the first day of the month. However their numbering is totally NOT related. Therefore each day can be identified or numbered either from the perspective of the week or from the perspective of the month. These are two parallel formulae and methods of reckoning the days.

You will notice that the week of seven days is not determined by any planetary motion but it only exists in the mind and law of God. Don’t forget the first day was created three days before the Sun and the Moon were created. Therefore the seven days of the week are not determined by either the Sun or the Moon. In other words, if we want to identify the 7th day of the week, I cannot read either the Sun or the Moon but I will only find it in the Law of God. However if I want to identify the 7th day of the month, then I have got to be guided by the Moon.

Out of all the seven days of the week, God singled out one and set it apart and blessed it. This is the seventh day of the week which falls on Saturdays. It is a day of rest called The Holy Sabbath Day. The Bible classifies the Sabbath day as a special feast among many other feasts (Leviticus 23 & Exodus 23). This Sabbath is the one which serves to identify God’s people who have been called to receive the Kingdom. It is a special sign for God’s people.
The week of seven days as we shall see is further used as a template or model to design other bigger time units in God’s calendar.
The month is a very important unit of time in God’s calendar. A Month is the length of time it takes the Moon to make one rotation around the earth. It is naturally obvious that the rotation must start at a particular established place since our God is a God of order and for Him synchrony is a big issue because things cannot start and end randomly and haphazardly in a disorderly manner. The rotation must ordinarily start at point zero.

From our human perspective, the Sun, earth and the Moon must be on a straight line at the time that the Moon starts its journey around the earth. The only way we can know that the three are on a straight line is when there is totally no crescent on the Moon. The appearance of the crescent is a sign that the journey has started. When the three are a on a straight line we say we have the conjunction of the Moon or there is a lunar conjunction. The day of the conjunction is called New Moon Day. It does not matter what time the conjunction occurs but the day on which it happens is the first day of the month even if the conjunction is only a few minutes before the sunset. The last day of the month is the day before the next lunar conjunction.

God did not give names to the months but He numbered them just like the days of the week from number one onwards. In one year there are either twelve or thirteen months depending on the movement of the Moon. There is no regularity in the length of the months. A month can be 28 days this year, 29 days in the next, 30 days in the next and even 31 in the next. The seventh month is the shortest ranging from 22 to 26 days. These irregularities are caused by many factors including latitudes and longitudes and also the fact that the world is not evenly circular like a football. 

The year according to God is made up of either twelve or thirteen months depending on several factors which affect the movement of the Moon like the longitudes and latitudes among others.
 However God further subdivides the year into two. We have the first seven months which make up the famous religious part of the year. The remaining part is what we call the civilian part.  That’s why you hear of terminologies such as the religious as well as the civil year. They both make up one entire year according to planetary motion.
Since the moons are irregular from one year to another, the year can be anything between 354 and 385 days.

In order to symbolically provide us with further details pertaining to the general Plan of Salvation, God in His wisdom designed another time unit which is made up of seven consecutive years. This time unit is modeled after the template of the seven day week so that we have year No. 1 to year No.7 the same way that we have day one to day seven in the week of seven days.

The years were not given specific names but were only named in ascending order from number one to number seven just like the seven days of the week. The seventh and final year is also a Sabbatical for the land the same way that the seventh day is a Sabbath day.

God designed a maximum of seven sets of weeks of seven years each to make up a full Jubilee calendar of 49 years. The 7 sets of weeks were not given any special names but were also only numbered in ascending order from number one to number seven after the model of the week of seven days.

The first week of seven years in the Jubilee cycle must always synchronize and run parallel with the first week of seven years from the exodus the same way that the week of seven days of today must synchronize and run parallel with the first week of creation. Therefore according to God, it is not just any set of seven years which qualify to be called a week of seven years unless they synchronize with their corresponding and relevant weeks in the first Jubilee cycle from the exodus which was running from 1437 BC to 1389 BC.

God always has a special agenda set out for every week of seven years according to the Plan of Salvation. Such an agenda is fulfilled in a systematic manner and must be finished by the Friday year since the seventh year is the year of accountability (judgment). It is in the seventh year that God looks at the work of the last six years to see if it is good the way He judged His own work in the seventh day and blessed that day.

Therefore the seventh day and seventh year are judgment times. We either get blessings after passing the test or we get curses if we fail the test. Demands for the observance of the Sabbatical year were as noble and serious as that of the seventh day Sabbath.

This is the second largest unit of time in God’s original Salvation Calendar. It is made up of seven weeks of seven years each. Those sets of seven years each follow each other from week number one to week number seven in ascending order from week number one to week number seven.

This means that the Jubilee Calendar is made of a total of 49 years. Therefore this time period of 49 years is also modeled after the template of the week of seven days. This means that whatever is true of the week of seven days is also true of the week of 49 years and is also true of the week of seven years which is designed after the same model and template.

This means that the final or seventh week of seven years is also Sabbatical in nature from the perspective of God’s agenda for any Jubilee period of 49 years. In fact even the sixth week of seven years in the jubilee calendar is preparatory in nature just like the sixth day of the week is referred to as preparation day.

God has a special agenda for any Jubilee period of 49 years which He accomplishes in a systematic manner from the first week of seven year to the other until the final seventh or Sabbatical week when God’s main agenda is to demand accountability in as far as God agenda for that Jubilee period is concerned.

It is not any group of 49 years which qualifies to be called a week of 49 years unless all the 49 years of the Jubilee calendar perfectly  synchronizes or runs parallel with the first 49 years from the exodus. This period is called a Jubilee period because the 50th Jubilee year or the first year of the next Jubilee cycle is set apart for the celebrations of having completed the entire Jubilee calendar or probation period of 49 years.    
The largest and final unit of time in God’s Calendar of Salvation is made up of ten consecutive jubilee calendars of 49 years each. This means it is 490 years long.

Just like any other unit of time, the end of one 490-yr probation marks the beginning of another. This means the history of salvation which runs parallel with the history of the world is made up of recurring periods of 490 years each.

This period of 490 years probation period is automatically made up of 70 consecutive weeks of seven years each. The seventy weeks of seven years each which God gave Israel through Daniel in Daniel 9:24 is a perfect model on how God carries out His business during every other 490- year long probation period.

It is not every group of 490 years which qualifies to be called a probation period from God’s perspective. All the 490 years must perfectly synchronize and run parallel with the first 490 years since the exodus which run from the year 1437 BC to 948 BC. The other 490-yr probation periods are 947 BC to 458 BC, 457 BC to 33AD, 34 AD to 523 AD, 524 AD to 1013, 1014 to 1503, 1504 to 1993 in that order from Mt. Sinai.

The final week of seven years at the end of each 490-year probation period is very important because that is when God comes down to demand accountability from His Church for that period. Therefore the 70th week is a special moment. The 70th week of Israel as described in Dan 9:24-27 is a perfect model of how God behaves in every 70th week. God treats every 70th week the same way He treated the famous 70th week of Israel.
It is also important to point out that the 70th week is a high Sabbath because it is a Sabbatical week for the final 10th jubilee calendar and also a Sabbatical to close down the 490 year long probation period. The following are the 70th weeks since the exodus in their chronological order, 954 BC to 948 BC, 464 BC to 458 BC, 27 AD to 33 AD, 517 AD to 523 AD, 1007 to 1013, 1497 to 1503 and 1987 to 1993.  The 490-year long probation period is the longest probation period in God’s Calendar Of Salvation.
It automatically follows that the week prior to the 70th one must be preparatory in nature just as Friday is a day of preparation in readiness for the Sabbath. All the principles which govern the operation of the seven-day week are applicable in any other time unit which is modeled after its template. This means the 69th week is a ‘Friday’ or sixth week of preparation. God prepares for the Judgment as the Church prepares to be judged.

God always has a special agenda for His Church during every probation period. He demands accountability during the final week of seven years in a systematic manner.    

The week of seven days is a peculiar unit in God’s Calendar Of Salvation since it is the only one which does not rely on planetary motion to be reckoned. One must as a matter of rule and necessity read the Sun, the Moon and the Stars to reckon all the other time units but not the week of seven days.

The week of seven days only exists in the mind and in the Law of God. It is the model and template that God uses to design many other units of time in God’s Calendar Of Salvation. That’s why all other units of time which are designed after the model of the seven-day week are also called ‘weeks’ in God’s language of reckoning time.
Therefore the week of seven days exists side by side alongside other time units in God’s Calendar of Salvation. They interlock in a marvelous way despite the fact that the week of seven days is determined by the Word of God as is reflected from His Law and the other units of time are determined by planetary motion involving the Sun, Moon and the Stars.

Kindly be reminded that the week of seven days started three days before the instruments of the Sun, Moon and the Stars were created and therefore there was no Moon or Sun to mark the start of the week of creation. The first day according to the Moon was the 4th day of creation when the Moon was created. During the seventh day which God blessed, the Moon was suggesting it was day number four having been created in the middle of the week on ‘Wednesday’ which is the fourth day.  

Therefore, the Sun and the Moon do not help us in any way to determine or reckon any of the days of the week. The Sun only helps in managing the individual days. The Moon only helps us to identify the days of the month which is a totally different matter from identifying the days of week. The first day of the week does not have to be the first day of the month and vice versa.    

Therefore, if we are to write a full date according to God’s Calendar of Salvation, all the six time units must be mentioned. The only unit of time left out is the week of seven days.

The date should therefore take this shape; Day/ Month/Year/Week of Seven Years/Week of 49 yrs/ 490 Probation Period. If for instance the first day of the first month of the year 2015 will be on 20th March 2015, then this is how we write it according to God’s Calendar, 1/1/1/4/71/8. 

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