God designed
the Plan of Salvation long before He created this world of ours. In fact He had
not created a single angel by that time. It was only Himself and His only
Begotten Son. They agreed on a well packaged program of dealing with sin when
it finally rears its ugly head. They knew the Arch- angel (Lucifer) who they
were about to create would plunge both heaven and this world of ours into
untold turmoil through the introduction of sin. They had to seek for a solution
well in advance (Revelation 13:8).
After they
agreed on ‘what’ should be done, they also agreed on ‘when’ it should be done
until the problem of sin is forever fixed never to rear its head again.
Therefore, God the Father and His only begotten Son agreed on a well defined
work-plan and strategy. They agreed on a timetable and a diary and set out all
the timeframes necessary to forever annihilate the science of sin.
Then they
came up with a way of packaging that Salvation Strategy in a manner that it
would be clearly understood by all the other parties concerned including the
yet-to-be created angels but most importantly, the beneficiaries of that
program who in this case happen to be the entire sinful humanity since the days
of Adam. As a means of communication, God designed the symbolism of the
Sanctuary so that they could later use it as a teaching aid to teach and
explain the finer details of the Plan of Salvation.
In His
wisdom, God designed several sanctuary events and services which typified and
symbolized all the aspects of the Plan of Salvation. Every sanctuary event and
service had special dates appointed and anointed for its celebration and/or
observance. No one had the powers to change those appointed times. Every event
had to be celebrated at the decreed and appointed date and time. There is no
way for instance that the morning sacrifice could be made at noon under any
circumstances whatsoever. It had to be at the exact decreed time.
The times
appointed for the celebration of all sanctuary events and services are also
symbolic and they point to the exact time when the real events (antitypes)
which are typified by those events will be fulfilled. Therefore, each of the
times appointed for the celebration of various sanctuary services symbolizes
and points to one of the dates when God will fulfill certain matters (antitypes)
to do with our salvation.
Most of us only consider the symbolism of the
sanctuary events and services and we even write books about their meaning but
we totally forget that the time when that event is celebrated tells us a lot
about when the antitype of those events or services will take place. There is a
very good reason as to why God insists on a particular dates for every service
or event.
The greatest
anxiety among Christians is about ‘when’ God will fulfill most of His promises
as stipulated in the plan of salvation. The most common question among all
Christians is “WHEN, WHEN, WHEN”? The answer to our “when” question is tightly
hidden in the symbolism of the times appointed for the celebration of all the
sanctuary events and services. Everything that God is supposed to accomplish in
the Plan of Salvation is symbolized by one service or event in the sanctuary
and so if you want to know when it will be fulfilled, then you must get clues
from the date appointed for the celebration of the symbolic service in question.
For all
those appointed times to be correctly reckoned, they had to be in total
agreement with God’s personal calendar and clock. When God was appointing all
those timelines, He was referring to His own clock and calendar. God was not
referring to the Gregorian calendar that we use nowadays. In fact the Gregorian
calendar is immensely antagonistic against God’s calendar and is purposely
designed by the devil to defeat the noble purposes of God’s calendar.
It is
therefore absolutely important for all the saints to be familiarized with all
the facts and the operation of God’s calendar in order to perfectly understand
the plan of salvation. As we all know, our God is so orderly that He allocates
time for even what we consider to be the minutest details of life (Ecclesiastes
3). That is why He even says that every word and action must come before the
judgment. According to God there are no accidents and coincidences but
everything for Him is prepared and organized well in advance. He knows the end
from the beginning. Acts 17:26 says “…and he determined the times set for them
and the exact places where they should live”. Nothing takes God by surprise.
It is the
purpose of this book therefore to highlight all the facts concerning the
operations of God’s original calendar. The purpose of any calendar anywhere is
one and that is to reveal the dates and the dates alone. Now the million dollar question is which
dates? Since this is God’s calendar in relation to our salvation, then
automatically the calendar must be showing dates when all the aspects of the
plan of salvation will be consummated. We therefore see that there is no way we
can interpret the prophecies correctly without a thorough understanding of the
operations of God’s calendar since all the timelines are quoted as per God’s
In His
wisdom, God did not want all the dates of His calendar when some events would
take place to be known until the correct or right time matures. He therefore
deliberately and in a parabolic manner hid most of the details in the symbolism
until the right time. It is for this reason that God’s clock and calendar is
shrouded in a lot of mystery and even the Bible does not have it presented in
plain black and white. It is a question of gathering the pieces together.
The Bible is
quite clear ( Exodus 12:2) that when God addressed Moses and Aaron to give them
details on how they were to leave Egypt, the first thing He mentioned to them
was His calendar. This was God’s first statement “This month is to be for you
the first month, the first month of your year”.
God spoke as if He had just created the world. How could that be
Israel’s first month yet they had spent around 400 years in Egypt as
punishment? God was showing Israel that He was starting afresh with them and He
was also saving them the burden of having to refer to old calendars with all
the attendant problems associated with such an exercise. It was a new
beginning. They were to start at number one. Later at Mt Sinai, God gave many
other dimensions and details of His own calendar which this book addresses in
detail (Leviticus
It is
therefore almost impossible to draw a line between the sanctuary and God’s
calendar. We cannot study one without overlapping into the other. I therefore
invite you to one of the most interesting and controversial subjects in the
entire Bible. It will never be the same again for you after reading this book.
Dan 7:25 &
8:12 gives us a stern warning that Satan was not only determined to change the
set times but he actually succeeded. This book unveils Satan’s historic efforts
and lies. We are told that failure to use God’s calendar in reckoning of all
prophetic timelines is viewed by heaven as being equivalent to turning the Plan
of Salvation upside down.
The Bible
says by our ignorance of God’s calendar we declare God to be a liar. Our
ignorance and abandonment of God’s calendar is like declaring that God’s
promises are false (Jeremiah 33:20-26). We therefore have no choice but to
learn about God’s calendar and apply it. I kindly seek your patience and
prayers since this is one of the most difficult subjects in the study of the
There is no god but Nimrod, the god of gods, but not the Sovereign of sovereigns, since this title is reserved for Elohim. There never was a man named 'Jesus,' who was Jewish and did miracles, for this name is a Greek name that has only been around for a few hundred years, and there is no 'j' in Hebrew. Elohim consists of Father YAHUAH and His Son, Yahusha/Yahushua Messiah, with the Set-Apart Spirit of Elohim being a thing, and not a person. Christianity is a mixture of Hebraic Scripture and the teachings of the Babylonian trinity of Nimrod, Tammuz and Semiramis (syncretism). Please visit my web site for more information. Thank you for your time -- and for listening. :)