Other Roles of the appointed times
appointed times are God’s special moments which He has set apart to deal
specifically with matters to do with our salvation. It must always be
remembered that God has a lot of work overseeing the running and joy of the
entire universe which includes the sinless world. The work of saving us is just
one of Hs duties.
Just like
any other good manager, God has subdivided His time in order to accommodate
every function that He has to carry out. The appointed times discussed above
are the ones He uses to fix the problem of sin for lost humanity.
The daily
appointed times of the morning and evening sacrifices are the times when God
and Jesus literary meets to agree on the schedule of the day in as far as the
great controversy between good and evil is concerned. We are then called upon
as the subjects and beneficiaries of those meetings to acknowledge and
recognize them by praying to God at that time.
During every
9 am and 3 pm meeting, Jesus reminds God of His ultimate sacrifice for us. He
also reminds Him of all our pending petitions of the day. This is the time they
both discuss other dimensions of the plan of salvation that we cannot be
allowed to know at this point in time. The angels are allocated duties at 9am
and the work plan for the day is made clear. They meet again at 3pm to review
the work and brainstorm more.
As we go
before God at the time of the morning and evening sacrifices, let us not lose
sight and grip of the bigger picture of those daily heavenly meetings and their
agendas. God expects that we attend those meetings by faith. Let us daily sit
with God and Jesus as they strategize every morning and evening for us. Let
them see you as a regular attendant of their daily meetings and it will not be
in vain.
There are
special blessings which God pours out during those important moments of the day
which cannot be found at any other time. Angels are sent for special rescue
missions for the saints in trouble at those times. They report back at those
The most important
thing to note is that for everything that God does for us as sinners, He must
do it during one of those appointed times. An appointed time as the name
suggests constitutes the appointments that God gave to sinful humanity to be
appearing before God and plead their cases for the purpose of salvation. These
are the times that God uses to bless or to curse us. In other words after Jesus
accepted to step in and save mankind, he booked several appointments with God
during which He would be pleading the cases of lost humanity.
Jesus was
given those appointments on our behalf and that is why we are called upon to
take part in them in one way or the other. Since the plan of salvation come in
various phases, each appointed time deals with a unique case. Everything that
God has to do to save us can be associated with one of the appointed times. Our
God is a God of order and He has set apart time for everything. Even the
minutest details in life are allocated their times. According to God there is
time for everything.
every appointed time has a special theme which reflects the agenda of the day.
Blessings that God pours out during every appointed times are related to the
theme of the moment. For instance, in Egypt God told Israel that the Passover night
would be the day of judgment for all the gods of Egypt. These words are still
applicable today. It is during the time of the Passover night vigil that God
destroys all the gods of your symbolic spiritual Egypt. This is the day for the
demons in your life to be chased away totally.
Saturday God summons a special court session to review the work of the past six
days. Weekly duty allocations are made for the angels and every inhabitant of
heaven has to attend this important meeting. We are also called upon to join
heaven by assembling for Sabbath fellowship in recognition of the heavenly
court session. Every seventh day God has to sit back and ask Himself whether
His six-day job has been done perfectly the same way he sat back on the seventh
day of the week to audit, review, analyze and judge His own work. Saturday is a
special day set apart for auditing, reviewing and judging from God’s
perspective. No wonder no sin offering was allowed during the seventh day. The
sixth day is a special day of preparations.
Many are the
times we take those preparations to be physical but the real preparation is spiritual
in nature. It was expected that by Friday evening, everybody would have
repented of their sins since there was no provision for sin offering on Sabbath
days because the assumption was that Friday was symbolic of probation day and
sunset of Friday which ushers in the seventh day is considered as the dividing
line. You had to offer sin offerings before sunset on Friday. You could not go
to celebrate the Sabbath with un-repented sins since Saturday was judgment day
and t would be dangerous for any one to be harboring any sins on Sabbath days.
Sabbath days are symbolic of the post-sin era and that is why God insists that
we cleanse ourselves by sunset of Friday. This symbolically reminds us of the
final closure of the door of mercy. Every Sabbath day should be a small sinless
heaven for each one of us.
When we
start living according to God’s will, then the shape of our prayers every
Sabbath day would radically change because it will be a thanks giving day for
the forgiven sins as opposed to being a day when we go to ask for the
forgiveness of our sins. Every saint should go out of their way to ensure that
they get well prepared for the Sabbath. Every Sabbath day reminds us of the
lofty position, status and standard that God would like us to reach. As all the
inhabitants of heaven meets every Saturday, let us also assemble and review and
audit our spiritual lives and plan ahead. This is a noble Christian duty.
During every
other appointed time there is a meeting in heaven. Special blessings associated
with each appointed time are poured out at those times and no other since our
God is a God of order and has time for everything (Eccl 3). Therefore there is
a special pool of blessings of Bethesda proportions which gets stirred every
appointed time to release special blessings associated with the theme of the
moment. Don’t miss to drink from every other pool. That is what it means to
walk with God and to know the time of His visitation.
Since God
does all He does for us during the appointed times, those times should
therefore be the ones to help us identify dates for all those things God did
for us and will do for us. In fact whenever He gives future prophetic
predictions, God never cares to provide the exact day and hour but He only
gives the year when the event will be fulfilled. He expects that we will be
guided by the appointed times to be able to identify the exact day and hour of
every prophetic prediction that He gives us.
For instance if he says He will send us the
latter rain next year, then we should know that it is only during the feast of
Pentecost that that can happen and no other time. If He tells us that next year
I am coming to judge you the all we do is identify the day of the cleansing of
the Sanctuary. The SDA pioneers used this formula in 1843 to come up with the
date of 22nd October 1844 as the exact day when the work of
cleansing begun. The exact hour must have been the time of the morning
sacrifice around 9 am. You see when you are given a prophetic prediction it is
important to know the exact day and hour because the fulfillment may pass you
since the year is long and the day as well. We should also expect that as the
first fruits, the 144000 will be sent out on the day of the feast of first
In fact
every end time prophetic event will have either its beginning point or ending
point on an appointed time or feast day. What we are saying is that the dates
appointed for the celebration or observance of various sanctuary events and
services are the same dates when the anti-types which are represented by those
symbolic services will take place. One of the greatest teachers of the Bible
has this to say concerning this matter in GC page 399 “Events related to the
second coming must be fulfilled during the times pointed out in the (Mosaic)
symbolic services”.
Jesus also
confirmed the validity and the authenticity of this formula of reckoning dates
for all the anti-types when he said “The Passover is coming and the Son of man
will be handed over”. This clearly shows that there is a close connection
between the appointed times and the fulfillment of the anti-types in prophecy.
shows that God accomplished major Bible events during the appointed times even
when the law was not given because that has been his character since the
Although the
Law on the feast of first fruits had not been given, Israel crossed the red sea
on the day of the feast of first fruits because Israel at that time was the
first fruits in as far as God’s church was concerned. Israel did not know it
but that was it because God follows a well defined salvation timetable.
after crossing the red sea, Israel unknowingly found themselves at the foot of
Mt Sinai receiving the Holy Covenant on the day of Pentecost. It is only God
who knew that was the day of Pentecost since the law was not yet given. I f the
Israelites had known from day one how God accomplishes His purposes during the
appointed times, they would have settled back in the confidence that in God’s
own time, everything will be fulfilled. The same case applies to God’s Church
today. Can we use the appointed times to know when God will fulfill what for
us? Yes we can. We should rise up to the challenge immediately. Unlike the
Israelites, we know all the appointed times and we have been given the formula
to reckon the dates. Let us wake up and open our eyes. It is high time we
investigated the deep lessons which are hidden in the symbolism of the
appointed times.
The seven
days of the fall of Jericho walls were the seven days of the Passover Festival.
Most Bible prophets like Daniel saw their visions the times of the morning and
evening sacrifices. Ezekiel bough time until it was time for the evening
sacrifice when He knew God would be seated in a meeting in heaven to deal with
our salvation agendas.
The Mosaic
Law demanded that the Passover lamb be set apart on the 10th day of
the first month and be taken care of until the 14th day when it is
to be slaughtered at twilight. Jesus fulfilled the anti-type of this section of
the Passover Festival by being set apart on Palm Sunday during the triumphant
entry. Jesus rode on a donkey as prophesied. Palm Sunday fell on the 10th
day according to God’s calendar of salvation. We see here that Jesus fulfilled
the law not only as to the event but as to the time as well.
Four days
later on Thursday evening, Jesus fulfilled the anti-type of the Passover Feast
when He celebrated His last Passover by introducing new rituals since animal sacrifices
had been done away with. Again here we see that Jesus fulfilled another
anti-type not only as to the event but as to the time as well. He fulfilled it
at the times pointed out in the Mosaic law for the relevant symbolic services.
Jesus did
not stop there, He went ahead to fulfill the anti-type of the feast of
Unleavened Bread by being crucified as our Unleavened Bread of life from heaven
on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread on Friday following His
Passover. Jesus was actually arrested when celebrating the mandatory Passover
night vigil. Here again we see that Jesus is very passionate in fulfilling the
anti-types not only as to the event but as to the time as well as indicated in
the Mosaic Law.
The Sunday
that Jesus resurrected was the day of the feast of first fruits which is
another important appointed time. Jesus resurrected on Sunday as the first
fruits of the redeemed in fulfillment of the anti-type of the feast of the
first fruits. Again He fulfills everything not only as to the event but as to
the time as well.
Fifty days
from the Sunday of resurrection, Jesus fulfilled the anti-type of the Festival
of Pentecost when God anointed Him in Heaven as our official High priest. This
is the day Jesus started his official duties as our High Priest in heaven.
Jesus simultaneously anointed His earthily priests by sending them the Holy
Spirit on that day. Again here we see Jesus fulfilling the anti-type of the
Festival of Pentecost not only as to the event but as to the time as well. We
see that the disciples had assembled for the Pentecost celebrations and Jesus
acted in the fullness of time.
The seven
annual feasts symbolize the seven phases into which the plan of salvation has
been divided. The seven month religious year on the other hand symbolizes the
entire lifespan of the plan of salvation. It is the work of Jesus to fulfill
the terms of each phase of salvation as symbolized by each feast in their given
chronological order. The first coming of Jesus was for the purposes of laying
the foundation for our eventual salvation by fulfilling the antitypes of the
first four feasts namely Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and the
Pentecost. He did this not only as to the event but as to the time as well.
The only
three remaining feasts have to do with events around the second coming and are
yet to be fulfilled. We expect that in like manner, events or the antitypes
related to the second coming must also be fulfilled not only as to the event
but as to the time pointed out in the Mosaic Law as well.
Since Jesus s the same yesterday, today and
tomorrow we expect Him to use the same method and formula. This knowledge is
great, isn’t it? Like Israel we should not cross our red sea ignorant of the
fact that it will happen during the appointed time which means we will know
everything in advance because feast days can be reckoned and calculated. This
is a serious breakthrough. It ushers in a new day if you ask me!
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