The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


                                                             CHAPTER TWO
                                           God’s Calendar From Eden
Although God gave the finer details and specifications of His calendar at Mt Sinai, it is quite obvious that it existed in the pre-Sinai era since the plan of salvation did not begin at Sinai but at the very beginning (1 Chronicles 16:15-18). However in His wisdom, God made the work easier for us and gave us a particular day during which the counting of the calendar should begin irrespective of whatever may have happened in the pre-Sinai era (Exodus 12:2).

Nothing however stops anyone who has a clear understanding of God’s calendar to apply it in the pre-Sinai era. I have personally done it and written a special booklet on that. Kindly get yourself the booklet. It is a wonder presentation that I am sure will open up fresh horizons of prophetic knowledge. For reasons that I will explain later, the day when Israel started the counting of their calendar in line with God’s instructions was the 20th day of March, 1437 B.C as is evident from Exodus 12:2.

Nothing confirms the existence of God’s calendar in the pre-Sinai era than the very existence of the Sun, Moon and the Stars which serve as the hands of the clock in as far as God’s calendar is concerned.

The Sun, Moon and the Stars were created on the 4th day of creation. The 4th day is the one which fell in the middle of the week of creation. Therefore we can correctly say that it is “In the middle of the week” that God created the Sun, Moon and the stars. The three as the Bible says (Genesis1:14) serve as “signs to mark seasons and days and years”. This means that whatever calendar we use must be well synchronized with the Sun, Moon and the Stars.

In the same way that we have the hour, minute and second hands in our clocks, God’s clock and calendar has the Sun, the Moon and Stars to play that role. Christians therefore should be the best moon readers. The study of the Sun, Moon and stars has advanced so much if recent break-through and strides in Astronomy is anything to go by. As Christians we need to open our ears to any technological advancement and discoveries in the field of Astronomy since anything to do with the Sun, Moon and the Stars speaks volumes concerning the Grand Plan of Salvation.

The Bible tells us that when we come near to the end of time, when our salvation finally draws nigh, we should then “look up into the heavens” (Luke 21:28). Most of us interpret those words to mean that we should “look up and pray” but that is not the correct meaning. We do not look up when we pray, on the contrary we bow down in reverence and petition God as we look down. We do not face God when praying to Him, we bow down in respect.

Therefore this “looking up” must have another meaning. We are called upon to look up and read the signs on the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. God will be speaking to us in the last days using the Sun, The Moon and the Stars. That is why the Bible says in Luke 21:25 says, “There will be signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars”. In other words, God’s calendar will be paramount in the last days and blessed are those who will be in a position to interpret the signs on the Sun, Moon and Stars.

Understanding the times is one of the gifts that God’s bestows upon His Church because He knows the crucial role it plays in shaping the spiritual direction of the Church. The Bible says in 1 Chronicles 12:32 that God has set apart 200 men from the family of Isachaar who understood the times. Israel would always consult these men on matters to do with time. Even the High Priest would always confirm with those Isachaar men before announcing the date of any event.

 The issue of time was taken so seriously that it is only the High Priest who had the authority to declare the arrival of any appointed time by first confirming with the men of Isachaar. The Bible goes ahead to say that those “men of Isachaar are the ones who knew what Israel should do” whenever they were confronted by various challenges. Therefore the men of Isachaar played a pivotal role courtesy of their knowledge of knowing the times.

Each of the three hands of the clock that is the Sun, Moon and Stars has special roles to play in as far as God’s calendar is concerned.
Let us look at the role played by each of them in marking the days, months and years.
The main role of the Sun is in controlling and determining the beginning and the end of the day. Sunset marks the start and end of any day. The sun also marks the beginning and end of seasons but our major preoccupation for now is on the days, months and years. Any signs on the Sun also serve to inform us of the arrival of a special day or season in the plan of salvation. Things like eclipses should not be ignored by the saints. Any other sign on the Sun must be noted.

When the Sun appears, it marks something, when it disappears it marks something else as well. I must mention at this point in time that the Sun has no role to play in determining anything to do with the month apart from defining the beginning and end of each day of the month. It also has nothing to do with the week of seven days. However it marks the beginning of God’s religious year because God’s year must begin with spring whose arrival is marked by the Sun during the day of spring equinox which is fixed at 20th March of every year. This is the earliest that God’s year can begin.

Although more on this will be discussed later in this book, it is however important to note that the first day of the first month of the year according to God is the New moon day which falls either on or immediately after the spring equinox which is always fixed at 20th March every year.
The main role of the Moon is to determine, control and manage the months and the years since the years are made up of months.

The Moon determines when the month starts and ends. The first day of the month is when there is a conjunction of the moon so that the Sun, Earth and Moon are on a near straight line making the Moon to be totally invisible. There is totally no crescent visible on that first day of the month. In other words, this is the day when there is “No Moon” hence the name “New Moon”. The Moon is ‘new’ when it is totally obscured. This is the day that the Moon starts making its rotation around the earth at point zero.  One complete rotation of the Moon around the earth is what we call ‘a Month’.

The Moon therefore becomes the main hand in God’s clock or calendar. It is as superior as the hour clock is in our normal clocks.  Any signs on the Moon like the eclipses talk volumes about the Plan of Salvation.

It is absolutely important to note that the Moon is not regular in its movements and therefore the months are not always equal year after year. You will find that a certain month can have 29 days this year, 30 next year, 28 the other year and 31 in the other. This is caused by various factors including latitudes and longitudes. Also since this world of ours is not as circular and even as a football.

This means that nobody could tell in which day the 14th day of celebrating the Passover would fall in advance or any other appointed time for that matter. They had to continue reading the Moon and confirmation of the exact day would be known and confirmed by the High Priest two or three days to the exact D-day. No one could even tell how long a month would be from the beginning until it ended.

The knowledge that Israel had been given by God was not sufficient to allow them to predict the exact day when any event would be celebrated until two to three days to the event. Israel did not have the knowledge to calculate when new moons would appear in the coming months. They always estimated with a margin of error of two or three days and that is why they always waited for the final confirmation in the eleventh hour. Even today most religions confirm their religious holidays two to three days before the D-day.

It is therefore correct to conclude and say that “nobody knows the day or the hour” of any appointed time in advance until it approaches by two to three days. This automatically means that it is also not possible to know the exact “day and hour” of the antitypes since they depend on the appointed times. The limited knowledge that Israel had correctly shows that the movement of the Moon is not predictable and is not reliable.  In fact the irregularities and unevenness displayed by the movement of the Moon from one month to the other is the password and secret code-word that God used to hide the “day and hour of all the appointed times” as well as the “day and hour” of all the related antitypes until the right time matures.

The best example of this argument in the Bible is when Jesus was asked by His disciples about the last day and He answered nobody knows even Himself. Jesus very well knew that the day of the second coming is symbolized by the Feast of Tabernacles and so the date when this is celebrated which is the 15th day of the seventh month, is the same day that Jesus will come but because Israel had no knowledge of foretelling when the Moon would clock day No.15 until the beginning of the month, Jesus told them nobody knows the day or the hour although it is a well known fact he will come on the 15th but nobody knew when the 15th day would be in as far as the synchrony is concerned.

It is one thing to know that Tabernacles will be celebrated on the 15th day and it is totally another to know in advance when that would be in the Gregorian calendar until the beginning of the month. The first day of the month is the earliest that one was able to reckon any feast day. In other words, you could not tell where the 15th day would fall a month in advance. 

However in His wisdom, God had designed from the very beginning that in the time of the end, He would increase knowledge in the area of Moon reading which will automatically make it much easier to know exactly in which day every appointed time will come well in advance. Today, technology is so advanced that it is possible to know and calculate when the New Moon will be even for the next 5000 years. The technology can also help us look back more than 5000 years and be able to tell when every New Moon took place. God promised to increase that knowledge deliberately to help unseal the sealed end-time prophecies (Daniel 12:4).

Therefore it is high time we stopped looking at technological and scientific advancement as being earthily but as being spiritual as well. Any scientific breakthrough in astronomy should also be viewed as a breakthrough in prophetic understanding. This is what God says in Daniel 12:5, “But you Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased”.  It is quite obvious from this verse that the unsealing of the sealed prophecies in the time of the end is directly connected to the “increase in knowledge”. Therefore we are living in an era where we have more spiritual enlightenment and the issues must be tackled differently in the light of the enlightened environment.

I am therefore not surprised by Jesus words who was describing circumstances under the new enlightenment by saying in Mathew 13:17, ”For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it”. This places the people living during the times of great enlightenment in the last days on a higher status where they are more privileged than past great prophets like Moses and Daniel who did not even understand some of the visions they received.  We understand and interpret their visions and dreams in these last days so that if Daniel with all his fame were to resurrect today, he would come bowing down to us to get lessons and meaning of his own vision from us thanks to the increased knowledge.

Speaking about the uplifted status to be assumed by the saints who will be privileged to be born during the last days of both the increased knowledge and the unsealing of the sealed prophecies, Jesus added that although John the Baptist was the greatest of all the prophets who have ever existed including Moses, Jesus described the least of those of us who will be living in the last days as being greater than John the Baptist. Therefore if anyone today considers you to be the most junior or inferior, Jesus says you are greater than John the Baptist. This automatically means you are greater than any prophet who have ever existed in the past including Moses (Mathew 11:11). This is wonderful isn’t it?          

Jesus did not stop there but went ahead to describe the lofty status to which end-time saints will be uplifted because of the increased knowledge in the last days. This is what Jesus says in John 14:12-14, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even GREATER things than these because I am going to the Father….. You may ask for anything in my name, and I will do it”

Therefore the astronomical knowledge that Astronomers have come up with has helped in the understanding of the end-time prophecies in a big way. This is the increased knowledge that Daniel was shown. It is the case of the ‘wise men from the east’ helping the saints to understand the times.

On the strength of Daniel 7:25, the devil introduced other methods of moon reading which are based on the premise that the sighting of the first crescent marks the beginning of the Month as opposed to God’s method of reckoning the first day as the new moon day where no crescent is visible at all.
The devil’s formula cannot stand the test of investigations because of the following facts:
(1)   The crescent is always in the heavens for most of the days in any month and therefore God could not merely talk of merely sighting the crescent. If such an instruction was ever given, then it would have been accompanied by specification as to the size of the crescent since crescents are always in the heavens.

(2)   In reality, it is only for a minute or so that the Moon is totally obscured because the rotation is constant and does not stop. After just a minute of the conjunction, there is a 0.100% to 0.140% of the crescent which appears but this is not visible to a naked eye. Therefore the fist crescent actually happens after a minute or two.

(3)   The first day of the month should be the day the Moon starts its rotation around the earth at point zero. The rotation must begin when the Earth, the Sun and the Moon are all in a straight line. That is more of common sense. This means the three plays a part in determining the first day of the Month by taking strategic positions. The Sun has to be at a particular angle and so is the Earth and the Moon so that the Moon becomes totally obscured. Now when the crescent appears it means the three are not in a straight line.

(4)   When we are told that we read the Moon to know the first day, this does not automatically mean that we read the Moon looking for the ‘appearance’ of the crescent but it can also mean that we look for the ‘disappearance” of the crescent to mark the beginning of the month. Reading the Moon does not mean seeing some crescent but can also mean seeing its disappearance.  In fact the ‘odd’ thing is for the crescent to disappear since crescents are always there throughout the month in the heavens.

(5)   Due to various factors like the latitudes, longitudes as well as the weather, the first crescent sometimes takes more than three days to appear. It can appear in some places earlier than others due to the same factors. The beginning of the month cannot be delayed by our failure to see. The beginning of the month is always determined by some planetary motion and not the crescent. The crescent is a mere mark. The planetary motion does not have to be visible to us.

(6)   The Bible is very clear that Satan succeeded in messing up God’s calendar and even said this problem will only be solved after the end of the 2300 days. Therefore to endorse the Jewish calendar as it was during the time of Jesus is to say the Bible is wrong to say Satan has been successful. How can we even imagine using the current Jewish calendar through which Israel could not recognize the Messiah?

(7)   Jesus celebrated his last Passover on Thursday yet the entire nation believed Passover fell on the following day on Friday. This means even Jesus did not agree with the Jewish calendar. Why should we?

(8)   1 Samuel 24-27 clearly shows that the day after New Moon day is the second day of the month.

(9)   According to normal language. New Moon does not refer to the time of the crescent. New moon is the time when the Moon is totally obscured.

(10)                       Israel always followed the right procedure of Moon reading until around 170 BC when King Antiochus Epiphanes brought wide sweeping changes. He is the one who introduced the erroneous crescent-sighting method. 

The role played by the stars has been largely ignored but it is very important. The fact of the matter is that there is a special star which appears during every appointed time of the Lord. There is a star to mark every time unit. In other words, there is a special star which was created solely for the purpose of appearing on the first days of the week only. This star’s appearance literary tells us “guys look here, this is the first day of the week, let no one doubt about it”.

There is also a star which was specifically created for the second day, the third day and each of all the other days of the week. This means that if we have an argument as what day it is, we will simply look up for God’s own witness in the heavens. The stars, just like numbers don’t lie. Therefore it is a pity to meet two people arguing as to what day is the Sabbath day yet we have God’s witness fixed in the heavens for all to see.
I must also add that every month also has a special star allocated to it. This star appears on the first day of the Month and disappears on the last day. This can help solve any problem and expose and reveal all fake formulae of reckoning time. Actually the stars act as a weighing scale and yardstick to measure the correctness of the methods we use to reckon the appointed times.
Every year from the first to the seventh also has a special star attached to it which we can look up to and confirm in which year we are in.  Every feast day as well has a special star which can only appear during the length of the feast after which it disappears. Let me also inform us that when someone is born, a special star appears in the heavens. That star will remain in the heavens until they die. Do you remember the star that the wise men from the east saw when Jesus was born?

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