Everlasting Covenant requires that we observe and celebrate certain special, appointed,
decreed and anointed holy moments, days and/or seasons. The following are The Appointed Times of the Lord which we must celebrate at their
appointed times without failure:
(1) During the Levitical times, the
priest would offer the morning and evening sacrifices around 9am and 3pm every
day. It did not matter how special the day was whether it was a Sabbath or a
feast day but everything had to wait and give way for these sacrifices to be
offered. When Jesus abolished sacrifices and offerings, those times were
converted into official prayer times by God in heaven.
We need to revive and reform to accommodate observance and acknowledgment
of those holy moments of prayer. One does not need to attend some Church
service somewhere but can even whisper a prayer in the course of their work or
wherever they may be. Those are the moments when God and Jesus literary meet in
heaven to audit and plan for the day’s work.
We are also called upon to hold parallel or simultaneous prayers in
recognition of God’s meeting with Jesus every day in heaven at those times. Try
Jesus in this and you will not regret it. I have tried Him already and I have
seen the benefits. Can you remember when Peter healed the cripple outside the
temple? They had gone to the temple at 3pm for the evening prayers (Acts 3:1).
(2) The next appointed time of the Lord
is the 7th day of the week which always falls on Saturdays. This is
the holy Sabbath day. Every seventh day in heaven, God summons a general
meeting of all the inhabitants of heaven to audit the work of a whole week of
seven days. We are required to hold simultaneous or parallel assemblies here on
earth in recognition of God’s heavenly meeting or holy assembly.
(3) The next special appointed moment is
called New-Moon day. This is the first day of the month when God expects us to
have special moments of thanksgiving for the gift of a new Month and to
celebrate the successes of the previous Month or mourn its failures. This is
the day when the moon is totally obscured and there is no crescent visible at
all. We say it is the time of the lunar conjunction when the earth, sun and
moon are on a near straight line. This is a day that assembling of the saints is
required but not to the tune of Sabbath sacredness because it is not an
officially designated Sabbath day. This is a day one can choose to fast or
dedicate to God in one way or another. This day should not just pass like any other
day for the saints.
(4) The other appointed time of the Lord is the
annual time of the 7-day Passover Festival. This Festival plays host to three
different feasts within those seven days. The first of those feasts is the
Passover Feast after which the Festival is named. This is supposed to be
celebrated from the twilight of the 14th day of the first Month. The
same night should be a mandatory Passover night vigil until the morning of the
15th day. Jesus was arrested while observing the Passover night vigil. It is
during the night vigil that the saints are supposed to take the Passover as
instructed by Jesus during his last Passover here on earth. Remember one has no
freedom to change the times appointed for the celebration of any of these
(5) The next appointed time of the Lord
is the Feast of Unleavened Bread which is a seven day event running from the 15th
to the 21st day of the first Month. The 15th and the 21st
days are reckoned as holy Sabbath days with all the sacredness of the seventh
day Sabbath whether or not they fall on the Saturday Sabbath days. During the
seven days of the feast, the saints are supposed to break bread every evening.
Remember the bread should not be taken alongside the cup like is the case on
the Passover night in the 14th day of the same Month. When Jesus
resurrected on Sunday, that evening He broke bread at Cleopas place in keeping
with the requirements of the Feast of Unleavened bread which had started on the
Friday of crucifixion and was extending up to the following Thursday (Luke
(6) The next appointed time of the Lord
is the Feast of First-Fruits which is always held on the day after the seventh-day
Sabbath which comes immediately after the Passover Feast on the 14th
day of the first Month. This means the Feast of First-Fruits is supposed to be
celebrated on Sundays all the time.
(7) The other appointed time of the Lord
is the Pentecost Festival which is observed exactly 50 days from the Sunday of
the feast of First-Fruits. This is a one day Festival and plays host to only
one feast. This day is reckoned as a holy Sabbath day although it is always on
a Sunday. The disciples were celebrating this Festival when Jesus endorsed it
by sending the promised Hoy Spirit during the celebrations. In future the
Church will be given the latter rain in the course of their Pentecostal
Celebrations one Sunday morning.
(8) The next appointed time of the Lord
is the Festival of Tabernacles at the close of the religious calendar in the 7th
month of God’s original calendar. This Festival plays host to three different
feasts spread across 21 days of this final 7th Month. The first feast
is the Feast of Trumpets which is always held on the first day of the seventh
month. The whole day is set apart as a
Sabbath day whether or not it falls on Saturdays.
(9) The next appointed time of the Lord
is the Feast of The Day of Atonement which is held every tenth day of the
seventh month. This day is set apart as a holy Sabbath day. It is a day when
fasting is a must since it is the most solemn feast of all the seven.
The next appointed time of the Lord is the
seven -day feast of Tabernacles which is held from the 15th to the
21st days of the seventh Month. The 15th and the 21st
days are set apart as holy Sabbath days.
The next appointed time of the Lord is the
seventh or Sabbatical year. The 7th year is always a Sabbatical for
the land.
We also have the 50th year which is
set apart for the Jubilee celebrations. It is therefore another appointed time
of the Lord which we need to observe as a Church.
It is only
when we faithfully observe all the appointed times of the Lord that we can be
said to be walking together with God as Enoch did. The following facts show how
important the appointed times are in our journey to heaven and also explains
the important role that those times play in our lives.
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