The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Saturday, 22 February 2014


                                                            CHAPTER TEN


All the major biblical events that you know of happened during one of the appointed times of the Lord. This is another great discovery that we will ever make concerning the appointed times of the Lord. Everything ranging from Noah’s floods, Sodom and Gomorrah, the fall of Jericho walls etc all happened during these special times of the Lord. The Exodus itself as we know happened on the Passover night, when they crossed the red sea, it was on a day of the Feast of First-fruits although Israel did not know since the law had not yet been given at that point in time but God knew about it.

 In fact Israel crossed the sea on the day of the first-fruits because they were the first-fruits of God’s Church at that time. God is so orderly that the crossing of the red sea could not happen in any other day whether Israel knew about it or not because this is all about God and His order of doing everything at the right time.

After crossing the red sea they moved on until the day of Pentecost when God came down on Mt Sinai to give the Church the Everlasting Covenant on the day of the feast of Pentecost. Israel did not know that Sinai was Pentecost day since the law was not yet given. However, according to God such a function could not be done in any other day but on the day of Pentecost whether Israel had the Law or not. The seven days of demolishing of the Jericho walls were the seven days of the Passover Festival as well. The list is endless.

That is why many years later as the apostles assembled to celebrate Pentecost, God sent them the Holy Spirit since that cannot happen in any other day according to God’s diary of salvation. It is quite obvious from the Bible that God always revived His Covenant during days of Pentecost Celebrations. Even in the future, the promised New Covenant between God and the Church will be entered into on a day of the feast of Pentecost. That is when the promised Holy Spirit will be sent and showered on the saints. Those who were not together with the disciples celebrating Pentecost did not receive the Holy Spirit. Similarly, those who will not be found celebrating the feast of Pentecost will not get the promised Holy Spirit otherwise called the latter rain when God will finally pour His Spirit on the church during the feast celebrations.

All the end-time prophetic events will always start and end on feast days. That is another great observation and a fact that we will ever discover about the feasts. I have discussed this in detail in my relevant book. One of the greatest teachers of the Bible has this to say in GC pg 399,”…in like manner events related to the second coming must be fulfilled at the time mentioned in the symbolic services”.  Those strong words support the theory of the feasts as a formula of identifying the dates of all the anti-types. This is a very important gem of truth indeed. Isn’t it?

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