The time of reckoning has come

The time of reckoning has come

Saturday, 22 February 2014


                                                 CHAPTER SEVEN

 The appointed times of the Lord are special times that God has set apart to address and fulfill various issues to do with our salvation guided by the theme of the moment. When He gives the Church future prophetic predictions, God only provides the year during which the event will take place but he never provides the day and the hour. God expects that we will be guided by the appointed times to know the exact day and hour. If for example God tells us that He will carry out His judgment in the year 2015, then we will look for the date of the Day of Atonement when the work of cleansing of the sanctuary used to take place since that cleansing symbolized the work of Judgment.
This means that the dates appointed for the celebration and/or observance of various sanctuary services and events are the same dates when the anti-types which are represented by those symbolic services will be fulfilled. This is the greatest lesson that we will ever learn concerning the symbolism of the times appointed for the celebrations of all the sanctuary services and events.
It is important to point out at this point in time that every sanctuary event or service has a special timeline decreed and anointed by God specifically for that event. One has no freedom to change those dates at all. Every event in the plan of salvation is symbolized by some service or event in the sanctuary. Kindly get my book on the Sanctuary for more details on this.
Adventist pioneers used this formula to settle for the date of 22nd October 1844 as the exact date when the “cleansing of the sanctuary” was to begin according to their understanding because that was the day of the Feast Of Atonement in that year. Remember the prophecy had only given 2300 days without specifying the day or the hour. This is what the inspired pen says of this formula says in GC 399, “In like manner all events related to the second coming MUST be fulfilled at the times pointed out in the symbolic services”.
Jesus Himself endorsed this formula when He told His disciples “the Passover is just around the corner and the Son of Man must be arrested and handed over”. By this Jesus showed that He connected his arresting directly with the day of Passover. We should also know how to connect feast days with many other end-time prophetic events.    

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